Chapter 47

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I opened my eyes to the smell of food cooking. I turned over realizing I was still on the couch I visited Roman on. There was a dim glow from the fire place in the middle of the living room.

"You're up." Monroe said. I didn't notice he was sitting in the chair beside me this whole time.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"Hunting." He answered giving me a half smile.

"Why aren't you? You need to eat." I scolded sitting up.

"I brought blood bags. I didn't want to leave you anywhere by yourself, not with all this going on." He answered. I nodded my head watching his eyes twinkle in the fire light.

"I don't think I've ever loved you, more than I do today." He said quietly. His tone was different from his usual sarcastic whit he always threw around, this was genuine emotion which is rare for Monore.

"Awe, Monroe don't-"

"No Seven, seriously, put being mates aside, you have been through so much hurt and confusion these past couple of weeks, and you still find ways to make me laugh, and help others, I'm so fucking in love with you it kills me that you're in danger because of me." He said sternly looking into the fire, "I would do anything to protect you."

I moved closer by him wrapping my arms around his neck, "Despite everything that has gone on, you have made me feel things I've never felt. Your family has shown me love that my own family never did, and I promise, it makes up for the chaos. " I smiled. He looked into my eyes giving me a smile that didn't reach his own.

"It doesn't make up for it though Seven, nothing will make up for putting your life at risk, your father's, your family, I'm just so sorry you were dragged into this. It's not safe for a human." He sighed.

"I think we've found out I'm a lot more than just a human." I trailed off kind of offended.

"You are so different Seven, but you aren't any safer. You're still fragile, and you're still prey."

"Change me then." I suggested not even knowing if I was serious or not, but I knew I wanted to be with Monroe forever. He looked at me with a strong grimace of disapproval.


"Change me if you're worried about my safety. We're mates anyway it's bound to happen sooner or later." I said again biting my lip.

"Seven. I am not changing you and that's final. I don't want this for you. You're human you don't know what you're asking for." He said sternly not making eye contact with me.

"I know that I want to be with you forever." I answered. He sighed making me swallow hard.

"I want that too, but I will not change you Seven. You're better than this world. I think you need to get some more rest you're talking crazy." He scoffed.

"Crazy?" I parroted growing angrier by the second, "Nothing, but literally everything since I've met you has been crazy. Yet when I bring up something that means we can be together for ever, it's too crazy." I mocked.

"I want to save you don't you get that? Yet I'm this bad guy now because I don't want to turn you into a monster." He said standing up running a hand through his hair, "I lost my mom to this world, and I'm not losing you too." He protested.

"I lost my father to this world, actually scratch that, I lost both my parents to the human world which isn't any fucking better." I said standing up too, "I just want to go home. Bring me home." I demanded.

"You know I can't do that." He sighed.

"To hell you can't. Maybe I should start asking you what you can do since everything is so fucking crazy." I yelled.

"Fine Seven, let's go. You're fucking crazy." He said grabbing the keys to Evelyn's SUV. I walked through the narrow hallway to the door when suddenly I was pinned against the wall looking deep into Monroe's gray eyes that were piercing into my soul, his jaw clenched and his hands were placed tightly on my waist.

"Iook-" He started before I cut him off by running my hands through his hair. I bit my lip not being able to control myself anymore. Monroe pressed his lips passionately against mine. Our lips moved in sync and his tongue entered my mouth as it fought with mine. Suddenly I was lifted up and I wrapped my legs around Monroe's waist. He walked back down the hallway and kicked open a door with his foot causing the door to creak really loud. Suddenly he threw me down onto a bed, I couldn't see anything, but I didn't care, my body craved his. His teeth trailed down my neck leaving tiny bites along me that made me moan.

His hands traveled all over my body making me beg for more. He pulled off my sweatshirt leaving me in only my bra as he pulled on the hem of my sweatpants. I gasped as he ripped them off of me. His lips quickly reconnected with mine aggressively. I bit down on his lip making him groan in pleasure. I then felt his hand slide down the inside of my underwear making my mouth part with pleasure, Monroe continued to kiss my neck, then he moved to my chest and stomach until he reached his goal. I gripped the sheets trying to regain control of my legs and I couldn't. I didn't know how he did it, but I never wanted him to stop. I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him back to me. His pelvis crashed into mine making his breathing grow heavier.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and I arched my back in pleasure as he inserted himself inside of me, this time he was rougher, but I wasn't complaining. I heard him let out a few deep moans that turned me on even more. I dug my nails into his back as the pressure of his thrusts were overcoming my body and I felt weak. I reached the verge so many times. His thrusts becamse slower and off rhythm letting me know he was close. Suddenly he fell beside me breathing heavily.

He turned to look at me, even though this room was pitch black, only lit up with a small fragment of moonlight coming through a small window.

"I didn't mean to call you crazy." He said guiltily.

"I'm sorry I got so mad, I'm just not myself." I sighed.

"I know, but I promise you, I want forever with you and only you, but I don't want you making any decisions off of these circumstances."

I understood what he was saying and felt bad for getting so mad at him.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you Seven." He repeated.

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