Chapter 8

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As the last bell rang everyone headed into the parking lot to their cars. I looked over to the back of the parking lot and saw Monroe leaning against his Mustang talking to his sister, as his two brothers were rough housing with eachother. I always wished I had siblings, someone to survive my crazy family with, but then again I wouldn't want someone I love to deal with the things I did growing up.

I saw my aunt's Lexus pulled into the back of the parking lot a few rows down from them. I held my breath as I walked by them and saw Monroe look up from my peripheral vision, he didn't drop his gaze. I wanted to look back and smile, but something about him made me insecure and anxious. He intimidated me, which wasn't like me at all. Nobody has ever done this to me. Especially not a stranger.

I quickly opened the door and got into the car.

"How was your first day doll?" She gasped in excitement. I laughed. 

"Better than I anticipated." 

As we drove home I decided it was worth a shot to ask my aunt about the Cittadino's since this was a small town and everyone seemed to know each other.

"Hey so I have a question," I started.

She smiled keeping her eyes on the road, "And what's that?"

"Do you know the Cittadino family?" I felt odd even having that name roll off my tongue.

"Ahh yes. They were one of my clients two years ago." She said.

My eyes widened. "You were their realtor?"

"Yes mam. They're a rather odd family i'll say, they don't open up much, however they are strikingly beautiful. All of them. Evelyn and Russo Cittadino, I don't know where they came from, nobody in this town remembers growing up with them, but we all know them somehow." She explained.

I bit my lip pondering on what she had said.

"I sold them the beautiful mansion they live in today, not too far from my home- our home." She smiled at me as she corrected herself.

The pit in my stomach was back. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, they live a couple streets over from us. A secluded area, 50 acres of land."

"Small world." I said.

"Definitely, this town isn't very big." She continued. "Why so many questions?"

"I just met someone today and was curious I guess. They seem to be unknown at school too." I explained.

"Doesn't surprise me."

We pulled into the gravel stone drive way up to the garage where Raymond was waiting.

"Good afternoon Seven, may I take your bag?" He offered. 

"Um, sure thanks." I smiled handing it to him.

I went up to my bedroom and undressed putting on some shorts and a T shirt. I grabbed my phone and went on all my social media's to look and see if Monroe had anything. However, nothing came up. I thought every teen had social media, but I guess someone as mysterious as Monroe, wouldn't.

A text message came through.

Aunt dana: dinner at 6!

It was currently four, so I laid in my bed and turned on my favorite show, Bad Girls Club. I loved watching girls who are the complete opposite of me, live their lives. It's pathetic, but I live through them.

I still had not received a call from my mother. I assume she's living with my uncle ron by now, which is her and Aunt Dana's brother, so maybe she's just super busy or going through withdrawals. Who knows.

I decided to go on the balcony and smoke a cigarette. I had only two left. I don't know how aunt Dana would feel about my habit, she probably wouldn't be surprised. Either way it helped relieve my stress during the worst times. 

I sat down on the stone floor of the balcony and watched the dark green trees sway back and forth. The wind was rustling through each leaf, making such a peaceful noise. Nature's lullaby. I always found myself outside when I needed a break, to recollect my thoughts, or to just scream or cry. It felt like home.

I took a long drag as me and Monroe's conversation earlier that day ran through my head. His chiseled jaw line seemed to catch perfect light even when the sun wasn't out. I pondered on his gray eyes that matched the sky looking so deeply into mine. I had to break contact the whole conversation just to keep from blushing. His sister seemed to already dislike me, which was unfortunate, but I'm used to that.

Knock knock knock.

I jumped as the knocking pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Raymond standing against the door frame.

"Oh hey." I smiled relieved it wasn't my aunt.

"Did I scare you?" He laughed. What is up with everyone scaring me today.

"Just a little." I smirked.

"Care if I join you?" He asked waving his pack of Camel Crush Kools.

"Be my guest" I said patting the ground next to me.

"How was school youngin?" He pulled out a cig and made a lighter motion with his hands.

"You're enjoying this  a little too much." I teased throwing him my lighter, "How old are you anyway?"

"Twenty-three." He replied out of the side of his mouth while he lit his cig.

"Old ass." I muttered.

"Hey now. You better chill out before. I snitch on you for smoking." He winked

"I'm of age." I said defensively, "Besides look who's being a crime accessory."

"Ahhh. You got jokes, okay. okay."

Raymond was funny. He is the type of person that you can easily talk to, even if you don't know a single thing about them.

"Well. I better head down to the dining room. Wouldn't want to miss out on that meal you made."

He laughed in response. "No, you don't."

I ended the night eating with Aunt Dana and Raymond. Then I headed upstairs and watched TV and talked to Briana for most of the night before laying in bed. I tried falling asleep so many times, but I couldn't get Monroe off my mind.

What Happens in the Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें