Chapter 28

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When I got home I took a shower and changed into skinny jeans and my black zip up jacket. I grabbed an old pair of my black converse and grabbed an empty backpack.

I walked downstairs to grab a couple waters for the trip and  my aunt was sitting at the dining table sorting through bills.

"Hey hunny how was school?" She asked me setting down the papers in her hands.

"It was good." I smiled. "Oh and aunt Dana, tonight Monroe are going out, if that's okay."

"On a school night? Where are you going?" She asked concerned. I sighed not wanting to lie to her but I knew I couldn't tell her the truth either.

Raymond looked up at me as he was chopping an onion. His look seemed like a warning.

"We're going to see one of his family members that can tell me a little bit about my bloodline." I answered.

She scanned my face. "What about your blood line?"

"Not you and mom's side, but dads." I trailed off.

"Oh seven." She sighed putting her glasses down. "Your father is not a good man you know this I don't want you looking for him..."

I blocked out what she was saying when I got a text from Monroe.

I'll be outside in 20.

"I'm not looking for my dad aunt dana. I need to know more about where he came from and my relation to the Haitian witches." I said.

"Haitian witches? Seven you're talking crazy this is nothing you need to put your nose in-"

"But I need closure. Your dad was in your life. You'll never know how it feels knowing nothing about where you came from." I sighed.

"I get it seven but I can't allow you to get into this." She shook her head,"it wouldn't be responsible of me as your guardian."

I didn't want to argue with her but I knew I had to leave one way or another.

"Aunt Dana I have to do this. I've never had any guardians growing up, and I respect you and your wishes trust me I do, and I'm thankful for everything you've done for me, but I have to go with my gut."

Raymond continued chopping vegetables trying to act like he wasn't listening but I knew he was.

"Seven I can't allow you to do this. Absolutely not." She said again. I tuned her out and texted Monroe.

I need you to come inside when you get here and compell my aunt. I'll explain later. She's wiggin though and there's no way I'm backing out now.

Monroe: at least I've met her before so this isn't completely awkward.

I sat down at the table waiting for Monroe. Raymond caught my glance and made a look of confusion as to why I wasn't protesting anymore. I bit my lip and looked away knowing he'd be disappointed. Shit I'm disappointed in myself.

Monroe knocked on the laundry room door that lead to the garage.

"Come in." I called. Monroe walked in and smiled at my aunt then dropped his smile purposely when his eyes met with Raymond's. He is so petty.

"Good evening everyone. Are you ready to go Seven?" He asked me.

"Hello Monroe. I told seven I can't allow her to do this. She doesn't need to involved with her dad, much less witches." She sighed putting her glasses down.

"Ah." Monroe said walking closer to her,"I see but I can assure you, your niece is in no danger with me."

"I trust you Monroe, but as Seven's guardian this wouldn't be responsible of me." She repeated. Monroe looked deeply into her eyes.

"Stop right now Cittadino." Raymond yelled causing everyone but Monroe to jump. Monroe rolled his eyes slowly lifting his gaze to Raymond.
My aunt looked at them both confused.

Raymond walked over by my aunt and I and started protesting. "This isn't right seven and you know it, don't let him do this to her."

"Listen Wolfie." Monroe started. I looked at my aunt who was still trying to comprehend what was going on. "This involves not only your sister, but my own sister, and Seven needs to know why the hell her hoodoo voodoo witchy ancestors are calling upon her. So please get out of my way, because you smell like the pound."

Raymond curled his lip upward getting in front of Monroe. I jumped up.

"Alright look!" I yelled at both of them, "this is MY choice Raymond so bitching at Monroe isn't going to do anything but piss me off. I love my aunt and I'd never put her in any danger but I have to do this. You know i do. So please stop fighting it."

Raymond's eyes traveled back and forth between me and Monroe. Monroe stood there with his arms crossed maintaining his cocky aura.

"Fine. But never again." Raymond scolded.

"You have our word." I said lifting my left hand to the air.

Monroe scoffed,"not like you deserve it." I shot him a warning look and he backed off and walked over to my aunt.

"Ms. Dana. Seven and I are going out to dinner and you are perfectly okay with it, your soul is at peace, you're not worried about Seven's well being because you know she's safe with me. Now you're putting down your bills because you want to go take a relaxing bath and have Raymond rub your feet for you." He smirked looking back at Raymond. I tried to contain my laughter but decided to press my hand to my forehead.

"Please excuse me guys. I would like to go take a long bath and wind down." She smiled. "Ugh seven. Please go upstairs and change that repulsive outfit before going on a date with this fine gentlemen."

I looked at Monroe in shock who started laughing. Repulsive?

Monroe grabbed my hand and led me out the doors.

"Thank you Raymond." I mouthed before heading outside. He nodded his head in response.

We climbed into Monroe's Mustang and he pressed down on the gas.

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