Chapter 10

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The bell rang and I started to gather all of my stuff when Monroe was suddenly leaning down on my desk hovering above me. I jolted just a little bit not seeing him coming. I felt as if my body could sense him before I could even physically see him.

"So. I guess now is a good time to ask for your number?" He raised his eyebrows. The butterflies were becoming less surprising to me at this point. They came every time Monroe was in my vicinity, which was extremely annoying. 

"I would say so." I smiled. 

"Great give me your phone." He demanded. I did as he said and he called himself.

"Now you have my number. Text me anytime, make sure it's school related though" He winked and threw his bag over his left shoulder before walking away. He wore a gray long sleeve that was just tight enough to reveal the details in his chest and back muscles. He wore black semi-skinny jeans with all black converse, I watched him as he walked away as if my eyes were glued to him. The butterflies slowly subsided, but it was if he always left me wanting more.

I exhaled. I didn't realize I was holding my breath the whole time he spoke to me.


When lunch time came, I walked through the Cafeteria to sit with Rachel and her friends when I suddenly heard someone trying to get my attention.

"Hey! You!" A girl called.

I turned around to see a bleach blonde girl surrounded by two other girls at her table.

"Me?" I asked confused looking behind me.

"Mhm." She nodded smiling. The other two girls just sat there looking me up and down. The fuck did she want? 

"What's your name? We've never seen you around before." She smiled, entirely too wide, it was a sure sign her smile was fake.

"Seven and probably because im new." I answered.

"Come here come sit." She waved over. I sighed internally and sat directly across from them.

"You said your name is Seven like-"

"Like the number, yes." I'm bad at hiding my true feelings so I knew my face was not amused.

"Feisty, I like you." She winked.

I half smiled.

"I heard you were dating Monroe? Is it true? You're dating him?"  I felt like I should have a bright fluorescent light beaming down in my face with all the interrogating that was going on.

"Um no, I barely-"

"Hmm that's odd. That's not what a little bird told me." She laughed fakely.

"Your bird was misinformed. He's my English partner."

"Ohhhh." She said looking at her friend to the left who smirked. While the other friend studied her manicure. "Speak of the devil."
She smiled looking at the double doors behind me.

I turned to see Monroe, his sister, and his two brothers. The air conditioner blew through Monroe's jet black hair and his jawline caught the fluorescent lights perfectly. His black Columbian jacket looked wet from the rain pouring outside. They sat on the opposite side of the Cafeteria behind me at a table.

"Well, regardless, be careful he's quite the ladies man." She smirked.

"Thanks for the advice, but like I said he's just my English partner." I grabbed my bag and walked towards Rachel.

"What did those bitches want?" She asked confused. They were whispering to eachother when I looked back.

"Honest to God, I don't know where it came from, but she was warning me about Monroe." I said.

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