Chapter 12

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6th hour was economics which I hated, but I think I just hate school in general.

"Okay everyone the homework is on the board, make sure it's done by tomorrow." Mrs. Clark said.

I went ahead and put my books in my bag as the bell sounded before I headed to lunch. As I was walking down the hallway, Big Bird and the Peanut gallery walked up. Can I get a break today?

"Hey seven." She smirked. Her two other friends stood at her side like they were protecting something.

"What's up." I sighed bracing myself for the bullshit.

"That was quite a show in first hour I heard." Her friends laughed. 

I didn't say anything. I wouldn't be surprised if she put him up to that.

"It sure seems like something is going on with you two if bad boy  Monroe had to jump in and protect you." She laughed.

"Is there a point to this conversation?" I asked trying to remain calm, "Because I'm getting bored." 

"What's wrong we can't talk? Or can you not speak without your body gaurd around?" She smirked.

I walked up to her and got really close making her eyes get a little big before she stood her ground.

"Listen. You don't know me. I'm from Texas and I didn't have Monroe back there, when I was dealing with bitches like you." I spat. Her nose crinkled as I called her out of her name.

"Watch your tone-" She started before I cut her off.

"Get the fuck out of my way, before I release all this pent up rage on you." I warned.

"Is that a threat?" She laughed still looking extremely bothered.

"Absolutely." I brushed past her and headed to the Cafeteria. Her and her friends burst into laughter, but I kept on walking. I could feel my temper building up by the second. I pushed open the doors and saw Monroe with all his siblings at their usual table.

I walked right up to him without a care in the world of what people would say.

His sister's eyes met mine and she squinted slightly. Then his brothers turned their heads fixating their gazes on me as I stormed towards them, causing Monroe to turn around slowly. When his eyes met mine he started to study my face.

"I'm ready for that ride now." I said trying to hold back tears. Not sad tears, but angry tears. I hate that I cry when I'm mad, I have anger issues when it comes to people talking about me, I guess I get it from my father. It's taken a lot of self control to get me to the point where I don't fight everytime I'm disrespected.

Monroe nodded his head then turned around to make eye contact with his sister who looked extremely pissed, but I couldn't care less.

I walked out of the cafeteria and Monroe followed behind me. I didn't wait on him to catch up I just kept my eyes on his Mustang trying not to cry.

My fists were clenched, and my nails were digging into my own skin. Suddenly Monroe was in front of me making me jump.

"Seven. Calm down. What happened." He said sternly towering over me.

"I almost mopped the hallway with Big Bird." I kept my eyes on the ground. He chuckled knowing exactly who I was talking about.

"It's not funny." I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. Monroe grabbed my arms and flipped my hands over revealing the cuts my nails made. He frowned. His hands were cold, but then again it is fifty degrees out here.

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