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7 rolled around fairly quickly, and before she knew it, the delivery had arrived. A member of staff called her down to sign and collect, she gave a happy smile and followed him down.

A fairly tall figure stood, leaning over the front desk in a blue button down shirt with a pair of black ripped jeans and a pair of black combat boots. She jogged over from the elevator and tapped him on the shoulder, her smile dropped slightly as he turned, his sadistic look still plastered there.

"Kai." He frowned and raised his finger, shaking it in a disapproving manner.

"Not Kai here, doll. It's Jongin."

"Right, sorry. Can I just sign for the prints? I really need to head back upstairs." He smiled sweetly at her and slid the clipboard along the front desk.

"Sure, darl. Whatever you want." His eyes stayed on her as she quickly scribbled her signature and pushed it back to him, heading to the box he had placed on the floor beside him, picking it up and showing him a half smile before heading back to the elevator.

"Funny how she's gotten hotter." He muttered, grabbing his things and leaving.


"Hey, Eun! Those the prints?" Lucas came over to her as soon as she stepped through the door, a comforting smile easing her slightly as she nodded and passed him the box. "You okay? You can head back to the hotel if you'd like, Ms. Park said we're just gonna head back after she checks over the designs. You're good to go." 

"Oh, really? I'll grab my things and get going then, thanks bud." She smiled to him and ruffled his hair as she walked past him to her seat, grabbing her stuff and leaving the room once more, receiving plenty of 'goodbye's as she went.

Back in the hotel room, she flopped on the bed, earning a breathy chuckle from Jungkook as he watched her, Jungmi passed out in the other room, a Japanese cartoon blasting out different music in between her soft snores.

"Good day, love?" A soft groan came from her, his sarcasm being appreciated as she rolled over and glanced at him briefly.

"Fucking brilliant. Honestly, I can't wait till I can retire." Soft mumbles from the other room made the pair silence each other quickly, then making them burst into laughter and panic before silencing each other once more.

Glancing around the room she began to notice things she hadn't before, the theme was fairly obvious as crimson red painted two of the six walls and covered the majority of the bedding, in her opinion making it seem like a murder investigation was going to occur at any moment. Her eyes landed near the door, their suitcases sat beside eachother, the airport tags still tightly secured to the handles with different zips half open and clothes hanging out. The door to Jungmi's room fascinated her the most however, it was painted in different cartoon and anime characters however, it wasn't until she looked again when she noticed some smaller figurines on the door, one of the company mascots was covering some of the door, with a frown she looked away and at the window, where Jungkook had been sat for a considerable amount of time. His eyes were trained on the traffic surrounding the hotel, different people heading to different places with different reasons and needs, it always seemed to fascinate him. He always like to rant to Jin about how he could be planning on arriving somewhere at the exact same time his doppelganger is and he would never know.

She chuckled at the thought of her brother falling asleep to her boyfriends rants, just like she often did in the evenings as he cuddled in behind her, his heavy breath ticking her ear. Sometimes he would let out a loud laugh in her ear, jolting her awake and swiftly gaining her attention back.

She laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling before she began talking, taking his talent and letting a string of bullshit sentences leave her mouth making him turn his head towards her with a smile.

"Do you think ghosts exist? Do you think wizards are real and we're all just inside their heads? Do you think people should be accepted back into society after committing a crime worse than death?" More and more sentences that made less and less sense left her mouth, eventually making him get up and come shut her up.

With a soft kiss she shut up, and swiftly fell asleep making him giggle like a child. He changed her clothes quickly so she'd be a lot more comfortable when she woke up and laid next to her, smiling at her puffy face as she slept beside him.


i am soooo sorry for how long its been, but as we all know, covid has made life completely unlivable. in the uk, our entire Christmas has been banned which is literally the only thing ive been looking forward to all year :) not to mention the amount of exams and homelearing ive had to do lately which has made it near impossible to get any writing done that i actually like so i sincerely apologise for the shit that we're calling part 20!

thank you all so much for 800 votes and over 30k reads, that's fucking insane!!

i love you all so much, thank you for being patient, my angels <3

have a lovely new year and i hope it's better for you (or just as good, you could've had an awesome year!)

take care of yourselves darlings!

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