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"So, explain to me again, why are you here so early?"

"It's literally midday."

"I know but I need my beauty sleep to stay this handsome." He rested his cheek on his palm and smiled stupidly with his head tilted to the side.

"Aish. So lazy." My mumble went unheard by him as turned to Jungmi and Jungkook playing on the floor, pulling everything from the draws in his TV unit.

"Oh yeah, have you spoken to Mama yet?" I looked at him with a frown as he continued to look at the pair on the floor.

"No, why? Is something wrong?" He sucked in a deep breath, as if to hold back laughter, while shaking his head.

"Nope. Not at all."

"Mkay. Whatever you say." 

"Eun, you're phone's going off." I turned to look at Jungkook quickly before letting my eyes flow to my phone as it rest on the coffee table, glowing with a new notification.

I picked it up and scrolled through the notifications, until reaching one. My eyes widened as I read the content of the text message.

"What is it?" My wide eyes turned to Jin as he simply sat there cracking up.

"You idiot!"

"Yah! Why am I the idiot? You're the one who told them about him."

"I feel incredibly left out." We both turned to the pouting children sitting on the carpet.

"Well, Jin suggested to Mama and Papa while he was drunk that we go to dinner with Jungmi, and your parents." Now it was Jungkook's turn to be shocked.

"What? No. Not happening."

"See, that's the thing. They've already called them and booked the restaurant." His face dropped even more as I spoke.

"You're joking, right?"

"I truly wish I was." We stared at each other in disbelief of what was happening, only to be interrupted by Jin.

"Well, would you look at the time. We better get going to the park."

"Come on, Daddy! They'll all be waiting for us." Jungmi jumped up and ran to hold Jin's hand as he began walking to the door, ignoring the fact that her dad and I were in complete disbelief.

-Grand Park, Seoul ~ 14:56 PM-

"Daddy! Hurry up and set up the blankets, they'll be here soon." He let out a sigh as he continued fixing the blankets.

"I'm trying baby but it's really hard with you on my back." She started giggling and pulling at his shirt a little.

"But you're my horsey!" Jin and I simply laughed at the pair as we sat on the grass a few feet away.

"Have you ever thought about what would've happened if you two had never split up?"  I nodded slowly, a sad expression painted on my face.

"Of course. I imagined us getting married, have kids, everything that everyone else our age is getting ready to do. But, I fucked it up and now he's already experienced having a child, he's already experienced the first feed, the first bath, the first words. Everything. But me? I've only experienced being called a 'pretty banana'. I've missed out on so much stuff, and it really sucks because I doubt he'll want another child."

Jin sighed as I finished my words, staring into the distance as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You know, he always talked about you and never stopped asking how you were. I just never told you because I knew how hard you were trying to move on. And he should probably be the one to tell you this but, he still wants another kid, especially with you."

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