The Rise of the Segway

Start from the beginning

Echo: Fives, you've had the segway for long enough. Now its my turn

Fives: Just one more minute pleaseeee

Echo: -sighs- fine

Yoda: In grave danger, the segway is

Bly: Say what???

Cody: Who is possibly going to come to this swampy planet?

Yoda: Grevious approaches, searching for his segway, he is.

Rex: Get ready for a fight men!

Cody: Were litterly defending a segway from Grevious? Why is my life so weird

Rex: Same

Tup: Well it was his in the first place, wasn't it?

Kix: No way can you take his side!

Bly: I got some grenades, a bomb, and some pizza

Jesse: Pizza??

Hardcase: Mine!!!

Bly: Uh yeah. Idk how that got there. Probably the boys....

Rex: Reminds me of the time I found a toothbrush in my boot, lol

Cody: So what do you want to do General Yoda?

Yoda: Retreat, we must. Protect the segway at all costs

Fives: Retreat? We can handle a couple of clankers

Dogma: According to these scans, there's five ships in orbit, and over a million battle droids marching down here.

Kix: Dang, that cyborg wants revenge

Echo: Wouldn't you if someone stole your segway?

Cody: ...I'm not so sure about that

Rex: Okay! The ship is all ready. Time to retreat.

Jesse: But whyyyy???

Fives: This is so lame

Dogma: It really is

Bly: I mean to a degree but I have a feeling it's not a good idea to mess with an angry cyborg who wants his segway back

Yoda: Correct, you would be

Grevious: Ah, Grand Jedi Master Yoda. -cough-cough- I see you have something that belongs to me....

Yoda: Segway in your possession, it is not. Mine, it will be

Grevious: We'll see Jedi green bean!

Yoda: Strange insult, that was

Fives: (Not as strange as Grevious riding a segway)

Rex: In the ship Fives!

Yoda and Grevious fight out an epic duel.... The duel of the segway

Grevious: I think you will find that my powers have doubled since the last time we met

Yoda: Met you before, I have not

Grevious: Well they have! I learned nearly every martial arts technique, even the Yoda

Yoda: -gasps- A martial arts move, I am??

Bly: I, uh, think he means yoga

Cody: And do you want some help?

Jesse: We're locked and loaded!

Hardcase: I've also got my nurf gun!

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