Chapter 79

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We both stood up simultaneously and Robert took a step ahead standing in between me and her. 

His hands held mine securely, silently telling that he was in this with me. Ashley's eyes slowly drifted to me and then to the intertwined hands that I had held closer to me.

"Seriously, Robert?" Ashley asked with a smirk on her face. "You fell for her when it was supposed to be other way round? I thought you could do better."

"Cut it out, Ash." Robert said. It was the first time that I had seen him talk back at her with such confidence and authority. "It's all over."

"Are you saying you are resigning here?" She asked sweetly, walking towards us. Her shoulder length hair bobbed at her every step. The colors on her face were nothing but a mask of anger and corniness. "You might have been able to save Gary. But I've got good stuffs with me this time." Her smirk was undeniable. Her eyes went towards our hands once more. "And with the current developments, I have good news for you."

I could only concentrate on Gary. That meant whatever Monica had told me was true. Ashley had been playing with Robert keeping Gary in her custody, making him dance to her tunes.

"What do you mean?" Robert was quicker.

"Well, I don't think I want to race this girl anymore." Ashley shrugged. For a second, I thought the heavy weight that I was carrying around was lifted and I felt as light as a feather. "But instead of me, my best men will race her." Her envy in her eyes didn't go unnoticed. She looked at our hands once more. "I think that just might be fun if you came with me, Bert."

"I didn't sign up for that." I said, taking a step closer to her. "Robert is my earpiece."

"You signed up for all my conditions, Scarlet Stone." Ashley reminded me. "You have already agreed for anything that I might use here."

I looked away. I had remembered, but never had I thought that she might do something as devastating as this. Yes, I wanted to win and come out unscathed, but now, there was too much at stake.

"What makes you think that I'm obeying your orders?" Robert asked, challenging her.

"Because she's going to beg you to." She answered looking at me.

Robert and I exchanged glances when she rummaged her pant pockets. She got her cell-phone out of her pocket and showed it to me. It was a picture of my Dad, who was tied up in ropes. His face was bleeding as a cloth was stuffed in his mouth. He was still in his wheel chair as two of her bodyguards stood next to him posing for the photograph.

I gasped looked at the horrified picture. My rage knew no bounds, I marched forward and clung to her neck, trying to kill her once and for all.

But even before I could get my hands on her, she had clicked her fingers together and two men were at my side holding me hostage, as I kicked and rebelled.

"No! Fuck you!" I screamed, struggling to get out of hold from those heavy men. "He was not part of the deal! I was the one!"

"Hey!" Robert ran towards me, trying to get me lose from those men. "Let go of her! Ashley, tell them! They are hurting her!"

"And you didn't?" She raised one eyebrow at him. "Boys, get Bert next to that pathetic loser." Ashley said in a bored expression, looking at her manicured nails. "We can't let him loose. He might just shatter my plans."

Another two men walked into the tent, holding Robert. "What are you doing, Ashley? Have you gone mad? What are you playing at?"

"Oh Rob, I saw that you were planning against me from the beginning." She said, walking towards him.

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