Chapter 40

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"It's so crowded." Robert noticed when I finally found an empty spot to park my car.

I went to the entrance and enrolled Robert's name under my care at the front desk. It was a procedure the school followed for people who were guests – a weak plan to avoid the next school rivalries.

We went in and I looked around to spot Lily. Just then, I got a call from her. "Where are you, Scarlet?" Lily's voice boomed in my ear. "They are going to start in soon!"

The crowd was going crazy seeing the 'Warriors' running all along the perimeter of the ground. The pop music was loud and at a corner, there were the cheer girls shouting at their favorite players, asking them to win so as to win their hearts.

It was not completely dark yet, but the lights were turned on, creating a mini disco at a three-acre land of green grass. The coaches of both the schools were speaking with the captain and vice-captain of the respective teams, giving them their last piece of advice before the game resumed.

"Hold on to your knickers, Lily." I said, dodging my way to her. I knew that she always sat on the berth next to the ones that were reserved for the players. "I'm in the ground already."

"Fine," She said before she cut the call. "I'm at the usual spot."

"It's Lily." I explained Robert who was following me. I grabbed his hand in mine and we walked further to where Lily was present. It was funny how our roles were reversed. It seemed just yesterday Robert was holding my hand as he took me to his race and today I was leading him. "She's there. I can see her."

Robert followed closely behind me and I wondered if it was because he seemed out of place or because he was actually following the bodyguard duties. I could never tell. 

A few of them muttered obscenities when we had to pass them to get to Lily. One of them got my nerve and I stood in front of him, trying to give him my own piece of mind, but Robert yanked my hand.

"Come on, sweetheart, he's not worth your words." He snorted. I only settled for a dagger glare at the guy for which the guy looked scared and backed away immediately. I gave Robert a satisfying smile and moved further.

Lily and Nick were easy to spot. Lily had the please-make-my-boyfriend-win face on her while Nick was wearing a Warrior hat, screaming to win at the top of his lungs. As soon as they saw us, Lily gave a relieved smile.

"Didn't know you were coming." Nick said, slapping Robert's back in an informal gesture.

"Oh, he's my bodyguard for tonight." I said sweetly, batting eyelashes at him innocently.

Robert laughed and pulled me closer in a half hug. "That's right." He said. "And for all nights, if you please." He whispered it so that I was the only me who heard it.

I pushed him away, my cheeks tainted pink. For some unknown reason, I was mad at myself for blushing at the stupidest things that the great flirt Robert was telling me.

"Hey! They are starting." Lily announced, before I took the matter and fried it over the game. I let go of the two butterflies that were disturbed in my stomach and chose to stand to watch the game. "Look my parents are there." She pointed out at the other end of the arena and I just nodded, not able to place them in such a heavy crowd.

Within minutes, the game started. Royals versus Warriors – a typical game in which the school would proudly announce the names of the winners, no matter who they were.

I wondered if Robert was somehow involved in today's booze ceremony, considering how close Brian was with him. I heaved a sigh and took out my earphones to listen to the songs to pass my time.

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