Chapter 25

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"Okay, Scar." Dan rubbed his hands together like an excited kid. "Time to get to work." He led me further near the car.

It didn't seem like any branded car. It was custom made for this particular race. I looked around and most of the cars, which I thought were used in racing tonight, with a hell lot of people surrounding it, was almost same as mine but with different colors.

"This is a racing car and we almost usually use similar cars when we race." Dan said, like a professor on tour, explaining his students about the monuments and its build. "The car might be rented by the game or brought by the racer, like the rules of the race."

I nodded in understanding. Dad's races were like this too. He usually raced illegally, and hence most of the games asked for his own car. I remember how he always complained about not having a nicer technology just for the heck of it.

"This one is theirs and hence the consequences if you put even a small tiny scratch on this baby." He ran a hand on the car's hood. "So, even though you don't win the damned race, just... make sure you don't dent it."

"Will you get to the point?" Robert asked from behind me, crossing his hands carelessly. "You are just scaring her."

Scared? I wanted to punch his face and feed it to the hounds. He acted as if the hell was right next to his house when I wasn't there when he wanted to pick me up. Where was he when I wanted him to be my earpiece with my first local race?

I took a long breath to calm myself.

I saw Dan roll his eyes at him. "And these buttons are mainly for quick access when you come over for change." Dan continued. He told me that one bright button was for loosening the gear parts so that it would be easier when I go to them in between the laps. The other one was for a similar function, but for the hood and then for the brakes, wheels and engine.

I mentally made note of them and because there are so many of them, I didn't want to forget and mess them all up.

"So, ready?" Dan asked with a smile when he had completed the basic course of the introductions. "Since you insisted on Rob to be your earpiece, I'm going to step down and watch you win the thing."

I looked at Rob in confusion. I didn't know I was having an earpiece in the first place, let alone to hire him, out of all people. Rob just gave a shrug in response to my glare - as if he was regretting the decision.

All the butterflies that I was having because of the race, seemed to have settled down. I was now more than prepared to face the race and prove Robert wrong in all the things that he was thinking about me.

He had not only insulted me, but had also questioned my dedication to the race. All my life I had wished to sit behind the wheel, not as a racer but perhaps but like a normal teenage kid to let her hair loose in the blowing wind. But I had been pushed to this career without my consent and this was the last straw to have a roof under my head.

But the sudden push had jostled me and never gave me time to settle. Things were moving very fast, not giving me time to adjust. But tonight, I was ready to make them all align and move according to the script that I was going to write.

I had decided.

I am going to win this thing.

Dan gave me a hug and left telling me how he was there to catch me if I fell, throwing cheesy and flirty lines in the air to ease my tension. Rob took his turn, with a lazy smile on his face.

He had clearly gotten over his bad mood, as if those conversations didn't happen at all. "Ready, babe?" He asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. If anyone else was going to ask the same question again, then I was sure I was going to poke the eye out of their face.

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