Chapter 32

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"What the hell happened to you?"

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time for the day. I had told enough people about how I had fallen on my ass getting down the stairs and there were more than five videos posted on social media to narrate the same, yet here they were asking me what happened.

The whole school kind of knew me now and with a crape bandage, I found myself like a warrior who came back home winning all the wars. Some people threw a pity glance at me while some nodded their head at me in appreciation, but none of them made a move to talk with me.

I couldn't tell if the pain had reduced or not. After Robert had promptly dropped me to school with my brand new BMW, I hobbled down with Lily to one of our classes.

"It's nothing." I said, making my way to the third desk, my usual spot. Because of the bandage, it became very difficult to move about. My right leg had become so stiff that I could do nothing but hop at every step.

I had even called Mira to tell her about my condition and she was considerate to let me go for a few days. With the approaching weekend, I felt guilty for not able to help her out.

"It is not nothing." Brian took my bag, as I managed to put myself between the benches.

"I know you saw that video." I said, taking my bag from him. "Thank you." I motioned towards the bag. "So, you know I fell and hurt my ankle."

"Well," He said, scratching the back of his neck. "How are you?"

I smiled at him. Though with the awkward first impressions, we had built up a good friendship. Most of the girls around us were giving me their famous stink eye as I was talking to the most wanted football captain Brian Thompson. 

With every passing minute, I felt the same questions that the girls were having - what was so different about me that Brian Thompson had made an effort to like me?

"I'm better now." I said. Brian took a seat next to me and balanced his head on his palms. "I could have walked better."

He laughed. "With time."

I nodded my head.

"So," He said, looking at me as if I had sprouted two heads. He shook his head. "No, I shouldn't."

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing, Scarlet." He said looking away. He ran his hands on his blond hair and smiled back at me as if he had said nothing. "It's not a good time anyway."

I looked at him if he had gone crazy. "Brian," I drawled. "Tell me, I promise to keep it as a secret."

"We have a match next Friday." He said slowly, watching me carefully, like I was a tiger ready to jump on him any second. "So, I was thinking if you could make it there."

"Oh," I said, not knowing what else to say to that. I knew he had attempted to ask me once before, with letters, but that had never made its way to me. This time, he was personally inviting me and I didn't know how to react to that. "I... um... I will try to come."

Though James was vice captain of the football team and Lily was his girlfriend, I didn't have a keen interest in learning the game. To be honest, I had never been interested in any sports. Dad and Lily both had their share of making me watch baseball and football at home and live respectively, but I had always managed to stick my ear to the earphones and acted as if I was never there.

I know, I should feel terrible because it's my school team and I should appreciate it at the least, but the game never settled with me. Though I had endured a lot of games than Lily had, during the cupid period of mine, making sure that James and Lily fell for each other, I had dozed of most of the times at one corner only to be woken up by James to give me a drive back home.

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