Chapter 57

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"Look at you! You're alive!" I teased as I entered Mira's bedroom.

She was given bed rest two more days and Monica had ruled it to four on her chart. Monica had brewed a nice cup of coffee for Mira and had sworn to me that she had never left her seat since Monday.

Though she looked more tired than her mother, her pale skin had got some lively complexion and I noticed that it was because of Clark. 

Clark was the most handsome man I had ever seen. With a French beard adorned around his mouth, he stood like a lost prince wearing a casual tee with a V shaped cardigan on top of it. He, himself smelt rich.

"I'm as stubborn as a mule." Mira laughed and tried to get up. I reached out to help her as Monica stood by her side, circling the spoon over her coffee. "Don't you ever think you can get rid of me that soon."

I smiled. "Seriously, how are you now? No dizziness?"

"No." Mira waved her hand in the air as if to tell it was all nothing. "Monica is just getting tensed up as always. The doctors only added more fuel to the already burning flames."

"Mom." Monica warned, but Mira was least bit bothered about it.

Clark laughed at this. "I love seeing their banters, you never get tired, right?" His question was directed at me and I chuckled. That was true. They would fight for the pettiest of the things and yet, by the end of the day, no one could separate the two of them. "I'm Clark, by the way."

Though I had seen him a few times around the café, I had never been introduced to him. Besides, he was always busy whisking Monica out before someone could say hi.

He brought his right hand forward, shifting his coffee mug to his left. His hair was cut in a military fashion, a little too small and they stood erect like thorns. But it suited him. Everything about him screamed money, except for his personality. I hoped I wasn't drooling when I stood dumbly, staring at him.

Monica cleared her throat, a smile plastered on her lips, getting me back to the reality. I looked at her and she was trying her best not to laugh.

"Sorry, I'm Scarlet." I shook his hand and before I could do anything stupid, I retracted it back and gave him my hundred watt smile. "Monica keeps talking about you."

He looked at Monica and I saw his eyes grow soft while Monica's face turned to a deep shade of red and I thought I had seen a miracle. Monica never blushed and with Clark by her side, I was sure I could light a room with her bright cheeks.

"She probably talks about you too." Clark shrugged. "But I usually tune it out after a few sentences."

I laughed along with him. He was only doing that to spite Monica, and it was working. She playfully hit his arm and feigned anger. But the smile on her face was hard to miss. I was happy that they had come back to being normal even after they had undergone scary incidents.

"I'll get you a cup as well." Monica said, placing hers on the night table next to Mira's bed. "Cream and sugar okay for you?"

"I'll help you out." I said, walking along with her. "I'll come back in five, Mira."

"Yeah, don't do anything stupid when we're not there." Monica warned.

"Of course, we'll try not to pull out our hair by then." Clark rolled his eyes as Mira chuckled.

Monica muttered something under her breath and walked to the café kitchen to get a new cup for me. I followed her. 

The shop had been closed since the fateful day and Monica was adamant in keeping it that way until her mother had recovered. Though it gave me more free time to do other work, I missed working there.

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