Chapter 53

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"I don't think it's worth all that." I said, as I moved past the cars, retaining the same speed and distance.

I had managed to get the fiftieth lap done and I asked Robert the time. He told that it was five in the evening. I had doubled over on hearing the news. There was yet twenty more laps to go while I had already killed two hours of time, circling the same spots like a vulture.

"Its not about that, babe." Robert's voice grew soft at my doubts. "Its more to prove that you have the ability to think and react to the changing circumstances faster than others. Of course, if you think otherwise, I can totally understand."

"Hey!" I laughed. He had once again veered my anxieties in another direction, successfully bringing a small smile on my lips as a plus. "Twenty more to go."

"You are in the fifth place now." He said. "Don't you want anyone to know who Wild is?"

"I am!" I said a little possessively. The name Wild, even though was christened for me without my knowledge, was growing on me. It was like a tattoo that had become a disaster at first but now, I wanted to keep it as a souvenir. "Do you want me to drive like a Wild?"

"Just don't say these things to any other racer, Scarlet." Robert said, his voice teasing me. "I don't know what they have to say for that. With me, you know, you can always be Wild. In fact, I like the Wild you."

A tiny, but deep blush grew on my cheeks on listening to him. I did a mistake of looking away to settle my blush down, when another car, hit the wheels from behind. I didn't know what kind of things that one particular car was possessing, but I knew I had popped my tyres.

"I think he popped my tyre." I said, my voice panicky. "I'm coming over."

As I made my way back to the tracks, though the tyres were replaced, I knew I had lost time. With only ten more laps to go, I didn't know where I stood. Though Rob was not seen anywhere, I knew he was tensed too.

"You give your best, Stone." Robert said. "Let them do whatever they want. Make sure that your car is a little further apart from other cars."


The rest of the laps were smooth as I steered away from other cars. I was back in my spot while the one that popped my tyre was at the second position. When I raced further and reached the third place at the next apex, I saw that the one who was at the leading spot had a flat tyre after a bump with the second guy.

It was only two more laps to go when I was still leading in the third row while a red and the pop-expert was at the first.

"I'm going in." I declared. "It's a shame that NOS is not there in this car."

Robert didn't tell anything back but waited for the laps to be done. It was nail-bitingly challenging as I shared the second position with the red one. 

I shifted the gears and applied hand break, accordingly, making sure that I was at least in phase with the guy. The red one, was pretty strong for someone who went to the pit only once. I personally had gone thrice already.

"I'll go in speed. I think he has some pointy object that's popping the tyres of other contestants." I observed.

"You concentrate on yours." He said, angry that I had taken much notice of his car. "Let him handle his. You cannot afford to change tyres in your every boost."

"I know!" I said. "I only did that once!"

"Fine, no time for arguing now." He said.

I zoomed past the red car and stood in line with the green one. I could see his opaque helmet turn to my side and I was sure that he was smirking beneath it. 

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