Chapter 10

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"What the hell you think you were trying to do to her, huh?" It was a familiar voice screaming, making my head pound a litter louder. "She could have died!"

"Dude, you need to relax." I heard another voice say in exhaustion. "It's just a little scratch on her head. She's not going to die."

I tried opening my eyes. It was too heavy at first, but then slowly it became lighter. My head pounded as I tried to adjust my vision.

"Will you both shut up?" Another voice said, too mushy to recognize it's owner. "She's awake now."



I instantly recognized the voices and to whom it belonged to. But no sooner had I recognized it, there was a sense of wonder and confusion hitting me at the same time, tripling my headache.

I remembered the incidents taking place before I blacked out, so it was easier pointing out one voice from the other. But... what was Nick doing here?

"Scarlet, you need to lie down for another second before you get up." Rob said cautiously. "You might feel giddy if you do."

"It's okay, Scar." Nick said. "You are alright now. It was just a small accident."

I slowly raised myself up to sitting position with both the boys at my tow. The other person, Luke who was working with Robert, stood at one corner with his hands folded looking at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"You... can you talk?" I heard Nick ask me with concern filled in his voice.

I saw Robert roll his eyes at him. But he didn't say another word to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Nick, holding my head in my hands. "And I'm okay I guess." I added.

"Oh, thank God." Nick said, relieved. The very next moment he turned towards Robert in an accusing manner. "It was all your fault. If anything had happened to her, just remember you wouldn't be alive."

Robert rolled his eyes, handing me a water bottle. "Oh, right. Here it comes."

"Will you guys stop?" I asked, fed up of watching them banter with each other. I drank the water that Luke brought it to me and placed it next to me. "Rob, can I get on with the lessons tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll take you home." Nick got up, helping me to get up from the ground. "You can get some rest today."

"Stop." Robert said, putting his hands on my arms, halting me in my steps. "You are not going anywhere until you go for another drive."

"Are you going crazy?" Nick started shouting. "I'm not letting her into that death trap again."

I looked at the dented vehicle with its hood open at one end. Luke was inspecting the engine, cleaning some random parts that I didn't know about. Looking at the damage, I gulped in response. There was no way in hell I was going to sit in the same vehicle, let alone drive it.

"Robert, I'll come tomorrow." I muttered, hoping that he understood what I was pleading him with. "Besides, I'm too tired and my body aches."

"Scarlet, you know I'm not taking that as an answer, right?" Robert sternly relied. With his grease smudged scar and the uneven haircut, he looked too dangerous to argue with. "You are sitting behind the wheel."

"You heard the lady, dude." Nick said, yanking my hand from Robert's reach. "Just let her go."

"Will you guys shut the fuck up and let her drive that fucking vehicle, without making any more fucking scenes?" Robert snarled angrily, making me shudder.

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