Chapter 72

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"Oh God," I laughed. "That was so funny."

I had been sitting with Brian for the past two hours talking about nothing and everything. Who knew the jock had something so trivial as lame jokes and just nonsense talks? Perhaps he was full of that? Who knew?

I was drunk. Completely.

Brian had got a few more bottles to our humble get-together in the balcony. It seemed as if he had forgotten about our whole rivalry and had considered me as his friend. I was there, gambling on his company, telling jokes of when I was racing.

It was all the liquid talking, I guess. I had spilled almost everything to him. All my problems, inside and outside of tracks. Now, he knew me even better than Robert and my friends. I wondered if it was a good thing, but in that hazy daze, I had put everything out to him.

He was being a gentleman though. He listened to all my rants and even held my hand at some point. By the time I was done, I didn't know if I was crying or laughing at my own misery that was spilled right in front of me.

"Wow, you are.. I don't know like a celebrity in our town." He said, wiping his eyes. We had sat down, putting our legs in front of us, bottles spread everywhere.

It seemed as if Brian knew the host and it wouldn't matter if we were invading his off-limits place... well, as long as Brian sided with me, that was.

"No." I said, waving my hand in front of me. I took another fresh bottle and pulled it's cap off. I took a gulp of it and shook my head sideways. "No one knows my face."

"What?" At this he started laughing. It started slowly and then went on hysterically. Somewhere in between I had joined him and we both laughed at almost everything and nothing at the same time.

"Yeah, I don't show my face around." I laughed again, holding my stomach.

"That's how I haven't seen any news about you." He said, looking at me.

With his intense stare, my laughs subsided and I stared into his eyes. His bronze hair was disheveled and smelled of beer, whiskey and a bit of rum. He had probably smoked weed before he came and he reeked of it. It easily mixed itself with his cologne and it made me giddy.

His expression was serious and his eyes drifted to my mouth. I had sat with Brian thinking that everything between us had dissolved. But never in my dreams I thought he would come back at me in circles. He slightly leaned closer.

I looked away and drank another chug of beer. "Enough about me." I said, trying to change the topic. "What about you? No more panics for you?"

That electric spark he held was gone and I was more than thankful for that. I had meant it when I said I wanted no more than a blind friendship with him. Just because I had laughed and drank with him, I didn't want him to think that I was fishing for something more. Though it seemed like a good thing that he was in my friend zone, I didn't want him to think that I was into him.

I had purposefully put that wonderful kiss with Rob into the mix. With that kiss, I had killed two birds at once. It had seemed like a long time since I had kissed Robert though we had spent the night, snuggling. That small crack was enough to get my hunger to silence. Robert had said that Brian had seen us and I was hoping that it was enough to keep him at an arms length from me.

"Yeah." Brain said, running his hands over his bronze hair. "No, I mean, it's difficult to go on without drinks and smoking."

"So, you are still in the same place?" I asked, taking another swig.

"I usually go for at least five bottles, but today I've only used one." He prided showing off his one beer bottle.

"By that you mean one bottle of beer, rum and whiskey." I said pulling one finger out each time I said a drink's name. He only smirked at me. "Maybe I am a terrible influence on you."

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