Chapter 31 : Prince of Obelia

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[3rd POV]

230 years ago.

"You're an unfortunate child."

Red wondrous eyes were glancing sharply, trailing every part of image which he recalled as the Obelia's heir. The tower was bleak on its surround, it was only the light from the torches which lit the chamber, for the table that was dusty on its surface and for the candles that only being left by its scorches. Thin and frightened, the young boy only nervously clasped his hand and low his gaze down as the wizard was approaching and he was just fidgeting more. Some desolate feels came from his fiercedly stare, a pair of feeb jeweled eyes only frightenedly tailed the man as the stare left his shoulder along with another pair of jeweled eyes which only glanced less than happy.

"Wizard of the Black Tower, he could be cured, doesn't he?"

"He doesn't need to be cured, Cailum. It's not even a disease. It's just his mana is very low that he might couldn't practice the magic."

The Wizard shook his head in final, pity and more hopeless stare came again.  Tinge and bitter came to wrap the king's heart again. He has wondered this time might came, when he has just known the answer yet he didn't want to accept it. He was the powerful king after all, throne was on his hand, people were serving and submitting their lives to his toes, yet robe and the wondrous throne turned out to be mean nothing upon the fate. Upon some mocks that quickly shadowed his mind as it was only the bad words which he heard and some pairs of sinister eyes which tailed and danced on his eyes. An incompatible child, an improper child for the throne, he would be only a mock for the bureaucrats, to be a disgrace for his heir. Feeb jeweled eyes that only glanced in low and discourage, there were no bright that would came from such foolish and childish thought that the bureaucrats wouldn't let him touched the throne.

He emptiedly stared the child, blue jeweled eyes were glancing in cold and quick, needed to meet its pair that the boy suddenly felt a grip on his arm.


He could felt the grip was tighter on his arm, knees was trembling on his father's seated, eyes fiercedly stares in dim lit.

"You are the solely heir for this throne. Make me and everyone proud of you."


August, 200 years ago.

There was mass of weary that surge Aethernitas's heart intensely. A feel that always come when he was lone and it was only his mind that keep him occupied. He has been expected, he has been waited. It was the throne where he gambled all his life into, to be strong and to be flawless, to be pitiedless and merciless. There were some feels of regret that came to his sense too, but it just a while ago, before he grew to be a loner, a jerk who was asking for fight for no reason. He needed the attention, he loves to be feared of. He was just walking upon his father's fragile dream's and anyone's expectations, shoving away all the feels he recognized so much as the things he was wanting. He has gone blind and wild, for seeking every things he couldn't held by those hand before. By hatred and greed that just grew inside his heart, sealed completely under the thin surface of jealousy and another feelings of irk and agony. He was a beast, a man that never felt how to be loved, to be cared, to be needed, and to be wanted. In his mind, it was only ambitions where he would go to, and it was the power and fame which he would eagerly to seek the whole of his life.

"You've gone crazy, Aethernitas. How dare you did this filthy deeds and lied to me?!"

Died moon, the sky was tainted by the dark haze from the fighting, debris rolled wastedly on the ground and so did the ashes and blood. Now the two men were stood facing to each other again, in the ballroom where it has gone bigger from the last time, where many chandeliers were sparkling brightfully and the shone of the moon just barged through the opened windows and gently lit their face in its dim and sorrow.

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