Chapter 4 : What's Wrong with me

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"Love is scary, bonding you with the weakness you can't fight."

[Lucas's POV]

There were some tapping steps that only going to grow louder as the music went on to the air. Still being awkward, it needed more effort to finally put my hands around her waist and she curled her hands around my neck. We shyly gazed as she was laid back to my hold and our heart was too close and too loud for not to be heard.

I stepped back and forth on the blank spot, tried my best to remember the dancing pattern I've ever learned and Athanasia followed my pace well. Claude was too busy to even accompany her daughter to her dancing class and Felix was too scared to lay his hand on her, so it turned out to be me who needed to be her dancing partner. While seeing from the side of the banquet hall, Felix clapped his hands proudly as I brought Athanasia fly and Mrs. Pondafyu keep busy herself for screaming here and there, commented at all the small mistakes we've just made and she only shrugged her shoulder, asking me for keep moving.  It wasn't like I was bad in dancing. I have more than enough plenty times to learn all kind of dancing pattern in whole of my life time. But I just hated it sometimes that it would be just waste of time if I spent all my time and effort to learn this kind of things when I never have a time to practice it instead. I used to attend some wizard royal party in my past time, still we ate, we drank, we danced, but it turned out that I would be the one who always sit with drinks on my hand while watched the party was running without me.

"You're out of zone again."

Athanasia spun on my arm, her hair was fluttering gently like a golden waterfall stream, so gleaming, so enchanting. It was like she almost missed her rhtym that I caught her back to my arm steadily. She faltered for a moment, still customizing the following steps and our sight crossed again, more intense more bodly and a smirk plestered my face.

"See, who just out of her zone right now."

"I'm just misstepping. Why don't you just enjoy your present time and stop zooning out?"

The song was turning into more playfully and lovingly. We stepped and halted between the linked hands, adjust the step so the other could filled the blank spot and we perfectly danced. It didn't need long time for me to follow the rhythm, as the tones brought my cheers up and she giggled between our hold. I've never felt so alive in my past life, as this was just as sweet as the sun rose beyond the morning dew, so relaxing, and so calming, that I almost drowned into this very moment and she was my surface to go for.

"Find you. I would find you, Lucas."


The music was ended while I tightly grabbed her in the waist. She was right on my eyes, smiled wilderedly while clutched her arm pamperedly on my neck. The sound of claps, the light chuckles from screaming our name, filling the room in sudden and I was faltered. The knights and maids just came out of nowhere and gathered to watch, crowd and festive spinned my eyes that I was just down shivering.

Athanasia worriedly hold me, hesitated and fright she tried to reach me but I couldn't even reacted to one and another single thing. I couldn't even reacted as she screamed my name and her eyes was wavering. What I felt was that I needed to go from here. That I needed to flee out far away from here. I pulled out my arm away from her hand, and the last thing I heard was Athanasia that screamed and I already teleported away from this crowd, from the mess of the dancing partner's thing.


They said witch could only fell in love for once, when their heart was thumping louder and wilder. As their love was laid close to their arm and their eyes was locked for one. Stepping by one same rhythm, that you could admire them by only seeing how their eyes were glinting, how they were only blushing by your words and your cheeks was also red due to their giggling. You could felt how the grasses swung and the brambles swayed, by the dew which gently touched your barefoot and it was only them in your world. A world which slowly also be fading, trapping you to the time which leaving. Under the crescent moon and the glimmering stars which showed you their pretty. An echoing voice as they called for your name, cradling and pamperedly hug for the everlasting dance you always wished for. Wind was fluttering, time was stunning, at the time everyone was frosted and everything was spinned.

"It's already late after the midnight."

I shocked due to the voice, smooth and enchanting that I couldn't helped my head for not turning. The stars were just splattering above my head, above her eyes that looked so stunningly blue and clear on its jewels shone. Gold hair fluttered, under the black hoodie that just veiled her face by its half, Athanasia was coming from behind the bushes, standing right upon my eyes, that the balcony where she used to stand soon was empty.

"What are you doing?"

"Is it because no one's around that you stop for talking formally to me?"

She reluctantly wiped the smile, our sight crossed in the unison that it only pumped my heart against my chest daredly and louderly. Our eyes was meeting, time was stunning, it was one and another seconds that she moved closer against the distance I purposedly made and it only left us by inches. Face to face, eyes to eyes, her warm breaths almost trickled my nose that  I lost my breath and agaped.

"You shouldn't be here."

"Do you or neither anyone even have a word to control where I should be?"

She still stood closely to me, the words was just daredly said as ever. Unguilty, unshamelessly, warm breaths were trickling down my nose in the sight of some maids who just passed in shadow and quickly left the palace once they heard the noise. Some knights was seen still patrolling behind, leaving it to be the only sound except my loud thump when they just stepped the ground and the grasses against their feet. Eyes stared on eyes, nose to nose. Only inches and I could already smelled the rose scents from her perfume, the wind that was rippling down her clothes, the cold that wrapped us and her eyes that looked straight toward me with no doubt.

"Sometimes you're not easily guess, Wizard. But sometimes you are."

Athanasia roughly cradling my cheeks, air was felt pitchy and almost empty. Two people which only fought in each own thought, in each own miseries and all the emotions which keeping us close to hear all these wild thumps, we could only be frosted to where we were, cheeks were blushing red and shamed. Hand was still clinging close to my chest, close to where I was afraid it would exploded the most as she kissed my cheeks.

"Hope you wouldn't disappoint my trust, Wizard."

And Athanasia just left her stare from my wavering eyes in fast and quick, from myself that couldn't even reacted to one and another her present words before she just left. Her hoodie was fluttering into shadow, into the darkness that no one could ever revealed what was inside the Princess's heart, the Princess of Obelia.


Can I have some help? 🤧
I accidently erased this chapter and does anyone knows how to restore the chapter we already erased?

Could it be even possibly restrore?

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