Chapter 28 : Duke's Lies

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[3rd POV]

"Sorry for always bothering you, Lord Wizard."

"It's okay, Lil. She's sleeping now."

The door was shut back in silence. Two pair of eyes were following in worries expression, though they were too scared to even ask that they just ended in hopeless stood. The ceiling was just revealing the dim light, the moon streamed through and fell to Athanasia who just laid restlessly upon the bed and upon the two figures which decided to remain in the room instead. Lucas even couldn't contain himself for staying, his hand was tightly gripping on the door's cnob, staring them for the last time before he just turned his head for abandoned the misery sight.

It has been Athanasia's third time for being found faintedly and unconscious, that it was due to her overworked both with her depression for finding her Dad's cure that her condition sometimes came to its worst.

Athanasia has duelled in so much emotions, in so much frustration, that between these three months she found unless the answer for nothing. One and another emotions just filled her heart in fast and quick, as if she has no time to breath. As if she was all alone and she has never been this afraid. She has never been this empty. In the time when she got her nightmare and there would be always Lily who hug her, and in the time she went to the worst time of her life and there would be always Claude who stood for her. She has lost that person who has always gone through all the way for her. A person who always come and find her in the world where there were no lights who shone her world and she just lost the rhythm. She couldn't deny it yet she still couldn't accept it, that among all the other worst thing that ever happened in her life, one live was between the gate of life and death because of her.

"Has been her sleeping well?"

The palace was just as silence as ever, the sound of the owl's sing was heard loud and clear between the sound of Derian's knocked steps and the wolves that howled. Two shadows were approaching each other, under the grey and the dull sky which being printed by the feeb sparkling stars and under the pillars that just still stood still in the gripping cold night.

"What you have told her?"

One of the shadow was passing quickly. The candles appeared in half burnt, as the breeze just coldly barged through the opened windows and showed those figures in lengthened shadows, glaring to each other.

"She deserves to know the truth. The more you hide it, the more she would be hurt to."

"But she would never be ready."

"She would. Have you thought about her feeling when she know it later?!"

Lucas haggardly turned his head, that his mouth was dried by the coldness which left the tip of his fingers. His eyes was stunned on where those steps where stopped, where the candles were just died out by his leaving and half of his heart was burnt by the piercing feel that stabbed him. By the fright that crawled and buried him deeper into his regret and endless miseries. When the truth was just revealed, and all that was left only a depressed and desperate feels which haunted him in the gliding shadow of his memories, for not being able to save the one and only person he held on, the one and only life he cared of.

"I knew it. But I'm the one who should take care on her, not you."

Lucas was only leaving in fast, leaving Derian with hands pulled to fist and face masked with anger.

After this long time, after this long time he thought that everything would be okay, that finally he could win over the shadow which has haunted his life and shackled his feet to walk.

Could he really win over it?

Could he really win over the shadow with chained hands and blind eyes?

Dust and Ashes ( Fan Fiction of Who Made Me A Princess)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat