Chapter 18 : One love Six Torns

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[Lucas's POV]


That splendor room was still seen the same, the sun rays was peeking through shamefully and the light mostly died out in dim. It was more like the room has been left for decades that the door I just opened was creaking and one or two mice were running. That broad room was massed in mess, the table was full by many experiments and the curtains just hung lazily from the windows to block the outside sight. Some dust grew to choke my throat to cough, the footprints were printed on the floor as I stepped further and I found a crooked body was half tiredly sitting on his chair.

"I have never dared to wish your visit, Lucas. Last time you were here was only to explode this place. Do you have changed your mind to be my experimental thing instead?"

"Stop being crazy on me, I'm here not for your nonsense things. I'm here for my own business."

"And what kind of business that bring you here for?"

I stepped few meters nearer, some radiated stones lit the surround and showed his face that stuttered in worries. I stared him straightly through the greediness that circled the orb of his eyes, through the arrogance man that only sat on that seat due to his ambition. I leaned myself closely, close enough that I could felt his heart was thumping frightenedly due to my whisper,

"Would you mind telling me who is Derian actually?"


It was the same morning which she could remembered, as she left for joining her tea party with the noble girls, as the day she fell to drown and Claude saved her. She has stopped for going to train with Felix or went for some her tiring classes. There weren't any pile of papers that messed her table or the bruises that she got for too enthusiastically holding the sword. In the morning, she would only just sat still in her room, reading a book or just tiring for sleeping. While in the night, Lily would just put her earlier to the bed, wishing her a good night and prepped her a kiss. Claude also visited her one and another time, tightly ordered this and that for keeping her being comfort while Athanasia just felt the opposite. She couldn't just ignored the worries stare that came everytime the maids brought her food or the pity look that came from the noble girls once Claude finally let them to visit Athanasia and they held a little tea party inside the Emerald Palace.

It wasn't a joke that the incident she has back there, has changed lot of things and it was also including Claude. That only by her uncountably wishes and whining, Claude finally let her to stroll around the Emerald Palace and saw the maids that busiedly picking the roses or heard the sound of knights that held the rehearsal around the training ground. There were so many things that people were busy for, so many days changed most quicker than she thought and it just made she felt lonelier than ever. Did the world suppose to change this fast?

She sighed and her eyes were squinting due to the sun rays that stroke her eyes in bright. The roses was just shattered in her grip. The ground was dirt by its petals and the sun just dyed its leaves to be gold. It's been few months since the Debutante and it's been two weeks since she fell to the lake. The figure she barely saw, the figure that she recognized always sit and wait her in the night when she catched a cold, was seems to be Lucas. But he never showed up again and the spot where he usually seat turned to be empty. Neither one day she stopped for longing nor waiting. Lucas has never been this busy, he always came after one and another time to see her but he just nowhere to be found.

Biting her heart in the most painful way she could ever imagined, the tears started to stream those cheeks again. She couldn't bear it, yet a sudden amount of pain grew from her hand that was scratched by thorns and blood was dripping from there. The truth was, life could be this lonely for craving someone you couldn't reach to. Life could be this desperate for missing someone you couldn't meet to. She was so miserably, bending herself on the knee while a black shadow hung over her head in worry.

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