Chapter 27 : In the hand of the Two Princesses

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[3rd POV]

Obelia was built upon the blood and bones from the long war of greed. It was built from fear and lost, from the tears and suffers, neither than trust and loyalty. Many kingdoms were destroyed, people were slaughtered, rebellion and riots. There were many chaos happened and many more witches were hiding under their betrayal.

Obelia have shared their worse in the worst, on the time many kingdoms were forced to lay their loyalty and many more kings were lowing their head to obey. But now Obelia was the one who was on the edge of the game. The table already being turned from white to black unimaginably and left them no option than fight.

"You came faster than I thought. Am I too ease for leaving the clue?"

Green woods has been passed behind, the dark area from the canopy, the wet surround from the moss and bushes has been changed by the silhouette of the sun that shooted her skin. It was too bright for the first, that the sky highly raised, showering over the waves that stroke their toe and the dry and salty air which ruffled their hair. The dawn was still a bit dark, bugs still crying and one or two fireflies were still flying, though the sky has splitted into red, the sun about to rise.

"I'm surprised that you even welcomed me. It's as if you've known that I would come."

Athanasia pulled herself from the shadow, until good enough to meet him in the eyes and the peek from her glance met him in the dark. The wind was wavering her hair, was wavering Derian's heart as Athanasia walked upon the wet sands and the splashing waves washed her footprints. Warm breeze, waves sound, stood in unison. The sun just crawled slowly, streamed the tip of their clothes in the golden rays and sparkled the sands which just left and splashed back to the shore.

"I knew indeed. But you can't always run, Princess Athanasia. It has never been late to stop."

"Would be everything turning back to its place if I just stop?"

Athanasia gazed him sharply, the waves just splashed and run to the shore, the wind blew harder and the hair fluttered wilderedly.

That woman, he didn't know either if it was Athanasia or the reflection of Serene that he saw. The feels as he saw someone was so desperately screaming and no one ever could heard the fuss of their mind. As she was the only one who fought to that storm, as she was the only one who being haunted by those ringing sound and still there weren't no one who hug her and said everything would be okay, that everything would turn back again.

He didn't know if this woman could warm his frosted heart again, after he just lost Serene and cursing life for has been stealing his one and only love. For finally he could felt his heart was thumping livingly, and the blood which rush inside his veins were running and circling. All he could did before was only stopped, waiting to finally time killed his breaths and he was leaving with his memories. But as he stood on her railing, silently saw as those tears one by one dirt her dress, he finally understood.
He finally understood, that love isn't only about joy. That you might be loosing when you were searching, that you might be finding when you were letting. That the memories which he still keeping, as those eyes were staring at him and he stared Serene back, would keep her living for countless days, years or even centuries. That the memories where Claude walked her and linked their hands, would be keep living inside Athanasia's heart. Though the day he has spended with Serene might couldn't be turned back and the people that already gone couldn't be back.

Their hands were matched as it clasped, there was a gush of warm that suddenly wrapped Athanasia's heart and put her in surprised. Derian was just smiling, lingering both of his hand to wrap her finger, slowly walking upon their footprints while their hands were brushing closely. The corals were seen clearer at the site, the golden rays beam slowly poured the shore and the small crabs were passing upon the tickling sands. Many things have happened and change, though there were some things that meant to remain the same.

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