Chapter 16 : Lotus Lake

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[3rd POV]

The party just being ended quickly in mess; Jennete was sent back to Alpheus mansion in bad condition and the girls would just rush back to their own horse carriage in worry after Claude sent them the glare. Soon the palace was load by emptiness. The feeling for being surrounded by noise and other people talked, by cheers and laughs that came from the girls's jokes, also disappeared and came to its worst.

Athanasia saw the clear water of the lake with many thoughts; either her or Claude have no any interests to talk to each other and just face palmed for seeing the sight. The sun rays sparkled the lake gently, layered its surface with golden hues that would split as the boat passed and the water splashed. She was bothered by what Claude has done before, but behalf of her heart was relieved that Claude just ignored Jennete and took her out of his notice.

But was she being vicious for having this feels? Was she being egoist for having her Dad only for her and not to share him with Jennette?

She didn't want to accept it, but she was happy having Claude as her Dad. She was happy for having someone she could call as her father and has someone as a family; a person to be relied on, to comfort, to protect, to take care, and she was happy that person turned out to be Claude. A man that the knights and the maids actually called as a murderer, a pshyco, a monster and a man that she could still call him as a Dad because she knew that he cared and loved her more than his grudge.

"Stop smiling at the water. It was creepy."

The boat still ride calmly, the breeze swirled and the sun streamed Claude's face which still grunted. The blue sky was highly beyond, one or two birds flew lowly and catched the two interest sight.

"I'm so happy riding the boat with you, Dad."


Athanasia could only lowly giggled, seeing Claude so stunningly sat beneath the sun beam and his hair was fluttering. He was half lying on the boat, leaning his right cheeks in boredom as usual, while Athanasia keep twirling her parasol in beaming smile. Felix keep staring them from afar, Lily arrived a moment later just after she finished the job and they waved them both a hand, smiling happily as Athanasia waved them back.

"Are you that happy today?"

Claude seemingly stared those sweet smile in blank, eyes glinted by none other than a vacant stare.

"Yes, very, the girls in the tea party are very lovingly. Though Dad has made them running back hurriedly to their horse carriage without any farewell."

"They deserve it, though that girl from Alpheus household would only bring you the bad things."

The boat was slowly rode, more slowly as if it was almost stopped. Those light talks has suddenly disappeared. The small chuckles, the faint smiles and giggles have been vanished as Claude seemingly slowed the pace and they stuck in the middle of the lake. The water softly splashed beneath, the tip of that boat touched the clear petal of the lotus flower and it swayed to where the waves brought them by. Grew lushly from beneath the water and thronged the surface, the lotus was beautifully and miraculously swaying, letting one of its clear petal to fall and waved the water, waved the reflection of the two persons that would just stare to each other without any conversation.

"Why, Dad?"

Athanasia said almost emotionlessly, her mind was wandering to the eyes that now just stared her back in half lit. Those light has been died once and only half alive due to her presence.

"Why you hate Lady Magrita? Is it because I'm your daughter then you hate anyone who might harm me?

"Yes, I am. I have the right to protect my daughter and no one should ask me about it."

Dust and Ashes ( Fan Fiction of Who Made Me A Princess)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt