Chapter 40 : Derian James Toby

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[Derian's POV]

Desember, 200 years ago.

"This is what I've been afraid along this time, James. They would be here."

"Calm, Camille. They're just threatening. We would face this as we managed the two attacks before."

"They want me,... It's because of me. Lord Aethernitas wouldn't just stop if I don't help him to get the throne. That bastard,... I don't want it James, no, when I have you and Derian now."

I stood while held my own breath, trying so hard for not making any sound and my steps that brought me further from my parent's room seems to be lightless. I have nowhere to go, I have no friend either, and the only place I went now was the broad empty dining room where some maids were still working into our dinner with their plain smile to hid the fear which has haunted all the member's lately.

It has been some moments from the last time the dining room was felt alive, when we have the dinner together and it filled by the sound of spoon and plate met. What I could only did was to pretend knowing nothing, and truly I didn't want to know anything; as my mother always cried between the night and I could heard it through my silence room, how Dad ordered the knights to tight the secure more than usual and it became quite bothersome day by day. It has been one month and there weren't anything ever changed, though nothing has changed in my life either.

"How's your day, Knox? I heard Dad was talking about a chaos around the palace."

Knox happily chirped on my hand after landed elegantly and showed off his bright blue feather to me. He blabbed about how far he has flew and I could just giggled at his boast thought for a bird. The maids and knights who happened to see me talking with Knox just thought I was just playing and pretending as if Knox was my real friend and it was all happened because I was too lonely. They have no idea that I really talked to Knox and I inherited this great talent as a witch from my mom.

But being great didn't always settle you on the top. Happiness and miseries were switching quickly just like a falling dice, uncontrollably and unimaginably.

"Derian, run from here, sweetie. They don't know you, they only need Mom and Dad."

Mom cupped my face, she stood on her knees so then she could stared me right on the eyes. The night was felt wet, we even haven't finished our dinner yet. I was still drawing, colour pencils were thrown all around me with unfinished draw about our happy family; Mom wore the light gown of laces, Dad with his fancy suit and me with my sand castle built. We grab each other's hand and waves swept between our toes. I could saw mom smiled between my imagination, though we didn't have any time to make it true and I could felt time was chasing on our breath.

"Derian, you remember Casthophille's town, right, where Dad and Mom brought you for a trip before?"


"Mom would sends you there right now, but you have to go there alone first."

I could heard noises already broke the front room and would rooted more through all the part of the property's house. From the gripping of my mom's hand and how she looked into me with trembled eyes, she needed my answer soon, or maybe she even didn't need to.

"Would mom go after me?"

"No, sweetie. But I promise you'll be safe there. Don't said anything about your parents's name and you'd be safe, understood?"

Mom was hugging me tight and I didn't know what to do to wipe her tears. I didn't have any bravery to even pat her back and stared her face to ask, "what happened?" I was too young for all of these things. I thought I would still have another chance, as Mom and Dad usually played a prank on me and this was some parts of their game as the celebration of my 10th birthday. But If it was, the maids wouldn't screamed and the metal sound which I heard wouldn't be this loud and threatening.

Dust and Ashes ( Fan Fiction of Who Made Me A Princess)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें