Happy Ied Al Mubarak!

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This is not an update for the main story, but I might write a little side story in this post.

But to be honest, I want to say
Happy Ied Mubarak for everyone who celebrate it this day!
May glad and pleasures be with you on this day! ❤️❤️

In my culture, Ied Mubarak is an annual celebration and we're celebrating it by meet some relatives, closed friends, our neighbors, send some greetings and ask for forgiveness too. we usually cook special meal to celebrate this ied Mubarak day. It is a processed rice served with curry, maybe some of you might have similar kind of this food too. It might be spicy or maybe not depend on the each culture.

 It might be spicy or maybe not depend on the each culture

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Then how about the celebration in your place?

Have you the similar kind of food?

Or maybe you have other annual celebration that usually held in your country?

Then this is the side story, hope you enjoy it 😁


Athanasia's POV

"Princess Athanasia, are the meeting running well?"

"Very well, Lil. Prince Alamir from East send me and invitation for his imperial annual celebration."

"And what celebration, Princess?"

"He said it is Ied Al-Fitr celebration day."

"It would be good Princess, for your bilateral relationship."

"Yes, it would be."

I dragged myself lazily to the dining room while Lily prepared the food in smile. I spent more than half my day having an audience with guest from east. Since this last two months, Claude had asked me to handle some diplomatic business and meeting, but I didn't expect this would take most of my energy and my day.

I leaned my head more comfortably to my arm mostly in tired and drowsiness came to me soon. But my peace stopped as I sensed a pair of arm curled on my neck warmly. My head was felt heavier, but not because of the dizziness but more because of sudden amount of weight that was lifted upon my head.

"What's this, Lucas?"

"I'm hugging you."

"And what's upon my head?"

"My chin."

I tried to release his hand off of me, but it didn't move even a bit and sealed me completely within his hug. His warm sipped trough my back, his sweet scents, his thump that was sounded like a bird flap, and a low whisper from his breath, they were felt more like a harmony and i wanted sleep here; now, but it can't stay any longer since Lily back again with more food.

The fragrance of delicious food suddenly lingered within the room and called my hungry monster. I even took my stare more intense to the food than Lucas who sat beside me. He casually munched the apple and ignored the sound of the plate and spoon met on my dish.

"Why you don't eat your food?"

The sound of me munching blended with his sound. The table was filled with chatter and talk as Lily and Felix came too.

"Yes, Lord Wizard should taste this too. This dish is from East where Prince Alamir come from."

"But I don't like salty and spicy thing."

"And what do you probably like?"

The taste of the meat blended perfectly in my mouth but soon stopped as I felt a light touch of his smooth lips marked on my cheeks.

"I like sweet thing just like your kiss."

What? Me? Kiss? You crazy bastard!

But my curse only remained in silent and leave me boiled in red. It was fast, but the red tinge on my cheeks would stay in long time and he just smirked after what he had done to me.

You! You! You! I'll gonna make you pay what you just did to me someday!

It was not only me who coughed but Lily and Felix too. And we were stopped as another pair of eyes was shown on the door.

"What you just did to my daughter?"


The voice was heard more like a sound of thunder and another bolt was drew in the air. It was Claude who pierced Lucas with his pair of blue jeweled eyes in glare.

"Dad, you might see us wrong."

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