Chapter 10🍃

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     🥀chapter 10🥀

Chapter dedicated to @Teemerh___ash🥰

This past few days have proved to be the worst days of my life,I know it's wrong of me to think that way but life has given me no other option other than that.First it was me trying to see other people's version and trying to correct my flaws but then boom Zulaiha's pregnancy.

This whole pregnancy has changed all our lives some for good while for me it was the opposite.Since this news,mama has sent one of Mahfouz's cousin Ameerah to take care of Zulaiha and her needs since Mahfouz won't always be around and she said she doesn't trust anyone else.Ameerah is a very rude and shameless girl that doesn't let a day goes by without her insulting me or using very insulting words on me.I tried to ignored her up till the point I felt I could not tolerate it anymore and I reported her to Mahfouz and to my surprise Mahfouz didn't take any kind of serious action.

And who was I even kidding to think Mahfouz would take action against it when he himself has changed himself around me?Mahfouz has turned from the very caring person I once knew to someone who I could not even define.Yes he is still caring but only to his loving Zulaiha who was just about a give him a child who would be his heir!

At first I thought he was behaving weird cause it was his first time hearing such news and that was why I gave him space thinking he would be back to normal after some time,but then things kept on happening and happening.He would only speak to me when I went to him myself when am in need of something or when he wants something from me.He was always with Zulaiha always being around her asking her if she's okay or if she needed anything or if she was in any pain.

I kept wondering to myself why Mahfouz wasn't happy when we were given the news of my pregnancy back then.Why his eyes read excitement and happiness when he was told of Zulaiha's pregnancy while back then he didn't rejoice at all,he couldn't hide that fact that he was wasn't happy.

I felt hot tears running down my face just from the thought of it.If only I had kept the pregnancy,if only I hadn't aborted my baby back then,if only I had accepted Allah's gift and nurtured my baby I wouldn't be facing this problem now,I wouldn't have been regretting  my life right now.

"Ya rabbi please forgive me for the wrong I have committed knowingly and unknowingly,ya rabbi do not punish me for the mistake I did in the past."I prayed silently within me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh."I heard a loud yield which of
Am not mistaken the voice was Zulaiha's.

I quickly rushed downstairs cause I heard the voice echoed from there and I was right.There was Zulaiha lying on the stairs and she was obviously in pain.I rushed to where she was lying and I found her lying in pole of blood which made me worried even more.

"Subhanallah!what happened to you Zulaiha."I asked her not knowing what to do to stop the blood that I guessed she was coming out from underneath her.

"Innannillahi wa inna ilaihir raji'un!!!what have you done to her,what have you done,so you hate her this much you want to murder her and her unborn child."Ameerah yield from nowhere grabbing me by my arm.

"What are you saying Ameerah,I did nothing to her."I asked confused as some pole of tears role down my eyes.

"Stop pretending as if you are innocent am sure you are behind all this."She said accusing me again now furiously and before I defend myself Mahfouz rushed in.

"What happened here."he asked as I grabbed poor Zulaiha that was lying on the ground.

"Ask your so called wife."Ameerah answered referring to my while Mahfouz quickly rushed out while I followed him cause am sure he was going to take her to the hospital.

Mahfouz stopped as the nearest hospital we could find and immediately Zulaiha was rushed to the IUC while Mahfouz waited the the reception signing some legal documents.The doctors were still attending to Zulaiha and that was when mama(Mahfouz 's mother) and Ameerah came in together am sure Ameerah must have went to her house and informed her of the situation.

Mama glared at me with frustration and anger which am sure that was also caused by Ameerah surely she must have instigated mama telling her maybe I was the one that cause the accident with Zulaiha.

I couldn't process what all this means,intact everything that's happening in general.

First,Zulaiha feel all of a sudden lying in pole of her own blood.

Then Ameerah came from nowhere accusing me that I was the cause of the situation Zulaiha is in right now and now mama is threatening me with f anything happens to Zulaiha or her child then I would be one to be blamed.

"Excuse me,are you the family of the lady in the emergency room?."a young nurse dressed in white uniform asked.

"Yes."almost all of them answered at the same time.

"The doctor has asked for you."she said as she was about to leave but mama stopped her.

"How is she,can we go see her?."mama asked.

"Yes but don't get the room crowded up."she said and then left.

Mama and Ameerah went to see her

"If anything happens to Zulaiha's child I promise you you would regret it for the rest of your life."mama threatened as she walked past me.

I wasn't able to digest all that was happening now I mean Zulaiha all of a sudden felt down amd hurt herself,then Ameerah came out of nowhere accusing me that I was the cause of Zulaiha's accident and now mama is also threatening me if anything was to happen to her grandchild I would regret it for the rest of my life.

"Where are the relatives of the lady in the emergency room."a young nurse asked.

"We are."mama and Ameerah answered while Mahfouz gave full introduction of himself as her husband.

"Is my wife alright please."he said asking the nurse that she was dressed in an all white uniform.

"The doctor would like to speak to you ."she said and then walked away.

Mahfouz excised himself and went to speak with the doctor while Ameerah and mama slowly walked to Zulaiha that was been transformed to another room from the ICU.Contemplating on weither to follow them or not,I followed Mahfouz to the doctor's office cause I was curious to know what state Zulaiha is cause apparently my whole life depends on her now and besides she is the only one that could explain to everyone what really happened and that way my name would be cleared from all the accusations going on.

"It could have been really bad but fortunately we have managed to stop the bleeding on time so both the baby and the mother are safe,but we've found out that some supplements are being given to her maybe knowingly or unknowingly which proves to be very dangerous for the child but we've also taken care of that so the baby is out of danger but care should be taken cause no such supplements should be given to her again cause it proves to be very dangerous to the baby!!!"

Assalamu Alaikum beautiful ummah❤️

Y'all biko manage this small chapter please in shaa Allah next chapter would be more spicier 🌶 🥵

I wanted to know if you guys would want to be reading other character's p.o.v.If you want then kindly comment YES or NO.

But I personally wanted to write the whole book under  sarah'a P.O.V

Majority carries the vote!!!

Allah hafiz🙏❤️

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