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TRIGGER WARNING!!! Character death

"No... No, tha-that can't be." Cyprys whispered to the man in front of him. "You're lying. You have to be lying." his eyes hit the floor as tears welled up and threatened to spill over. "YOU'RE LYING TO ME! DON'T-don't... Please" the sudden change of emotion tore at the older man's chest, an odd pain, like someone had gripped his heart and twisted it inside his chest.

"Cy-" he started "Cy, please, just listen-" he reached to touch the boys shoulder, but he turned away before Sira could.

"Don't touch me!" he spat in a low voice. "I wish you weren't my brother," he said, shaking his head at the floor. Cyrus turned and began walking to the door. Sira didn't move to stop him.

Cyprys turned around the corner to find Headmistress McGonagall standing there. She looked at him with remorse as he walked down the hall, toward his common room.

He ran into no other people on his way back, but considering as how he had been called out right as a class had began, he didn't find it as a surprise that the halls were near deserted. He rounded the many steps to his tower and knocked on the door. A small yet powerful voice sounded in reply. "What goes on and on, but ends many many times?" the voice asked. Without looking up at the Eagle doorknocker he replied "life."

The door opened slowly and he walked in, intending to go straight to his dorm, but a small voice stopped him just as he made it to the first step. "Cyprys?" it asked.

He didn't turn as he answered, mainly so the girl wouldn't know he had been crying. "Yeah Luna?" he called back.

"You've been crying." she said, not convicting him, simply stating it as a fact. "Why?" she asked. With a sigh, he turned around. As he wiped his eyes, he saw Luna sitting on an armchair near a window, her face vacant as she turned away from the window to look at him.

"My, um.." he cleared his throat. "My brother came in with some, uh, some bad news." he looked away and wiped another tear from his cheek. "Some really bad news." he looked up at Luna, awaiting an answer, but she never have one, so he went on. "Our mother died."

With that, Luna stood and walked over to him, sympathy played in her eyes. She reached him and stood just a few feet away, her arms up slightly, offering a hug. Hesitating slightly, he walked forward and leaned into her arms.

As she wrapped her arms around him, he found that he felt safe, and he cried. He cried and moaned sniffled into her shoulder, so the while, she held him in a warm embrace, and whispered to him.

"Its okay." "Let it out." "I'm here, don't worry." she said, almost like a mantra.

After what seemed like hours, he finally stepped back and aggressively rubbed his red, tear-stained face. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Its okay." she replied, he voice as sweet and airy as always. "My mother's dead too."

"I'm so sorry, Luna," Cyprys said, looking at her with really sorrow on his face.

"Its okay. It wasn't your fault. She was brilliant," Luna replied, a rather vague, yet happy look on her face. "She was quite brilliant. She had been experimenting with a few spells, and one of them went horribly wrong. She used to say something to me, and it helped a lot when she died."

Cyprys waited for her to continue, but again he was left with leading the conversation. "What was it? That she said to you, I mean?"

"Oh!" She looked rather pleased that he asked. "She would say "Life doesn't always work the way you want it to, or the way you expect it to. It is full of twists and turns and surprises." it was a very wise thing, I believe. I still say it sometimes, even in my sleep."

Cyprys looked at her and smiled. A small, rather sad smile, but a true one, as he replied, "she was brilliant. I've got to go," he said suddenly. "I've got to fix something. Something I'm afraid I might have broken."

Luna just smiled her little smile at him as he walked to the door.

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