Maurauders Shorts

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"I won't forget that day. The night was dark as usual, but..."

"James, you are not allowed to make a werewolf story." Remus cut him off, and he just huffed.

"You're allowed to say whatever you want, that's how this works!" he said back, faking anger.

"Not," Remus said, a superior air about him, purely fake for the sake of the joke. "when you have a werewolf friend, who is, incidentally," he turned and looked at his friend, who was smiling largely. "sitting right beside you." just as he said it, everyone broke out in laugher. Sirius was rolling in the floor as he gripped his sides. They laughed until the breath was gone from their lungs, and tears stung their eyes.

"Moony!" Sirius gasped, still laughing and clearly out of breath. "I didn't know you had kind of joke in you!" they had mostly sobered now, but Peter would occasionally giggle, and cause the rest of them to do the same.

"Okay, okay," James said, "Can I get on with my story now? And no," he added as Remus raised his hand to stop him. "It won't have anything to do with werewolves." he nodded as Remus lowered his hand with a wide grin. "It has to do with vampires!" Everyone burst out laughing again.

Nights in the Gryffindor common room were the best night of all their lives.


It began with only a few, awkward words. The first words we had ever spoken to each other.


"Hello, can I sit here? I don't know anyone..." he spoke with a small accent, almost sounding American, but he could tell he was from somewhere in England by the way his "h's" were almost not there.

"Yeah, of course." the boy say down as he said, "My other mate will be on soon, but he won't mind. We only just met in Diagon ally last week." a big grin spilled over Sirius' face, and the other boy smiled as well.

"Hey, what's your name? I don't think you told me. Mine's Sirius, by the way." he looked up, and the boy relied, "Remus Lupin."

Just then, James walked in, wearing a huge grin, and carrying a small armful of sweets. "Hey James! This is Remus." James sat down beside him, dumping the candy out on the seat.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance! Want something to ruin dinner?"

After just a few words, something lifelong began.

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