Romione Short

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"Oh, what am I going to do!" Ron had just asked Hermione out on a date. AND SHE SAID YES!

"I don't see why it's that big of a deal." Harry, of course, was no help at all.

"Its a big deal, because I just asked the love of my life on a date! And she said yes!. What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't like me!"

"Ron-" Harry put his hand on Ron's shoulder, stopping him in the middle of the hall-"She'll love it. I know she will." He smiled, and Ron smiled back.

"Yeah, thanks mate."


"Oh, my god. Ron just asked me out! On a date! TONIGHT!" Hermione was pacing the room with her hands at her temples.

"I know. You've said that at least a hundred times now. I'm sure even Snape knows at this point."

She stopped and looked at Ginny, who was sitting casually on her bed. "Why doesn't this surprise you even a little?" Ginny looked up in clear exasperation.

"Because-" she stood up and leveled her eyes with Hermione's. "-he's been talking about you all summer. Trying to get up the guts to ask you out."

Hermione looked down at her hands, blushing slightly. "Really..."

Ginny chuckled slightly, causing the flushed Hermione to look up. "Of course." Ginny laughed again. "Just like you have."

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