What's Lost is Found Short

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"What an odd thing to write on a coin."


Rose had found a galleon just outside the courtyard and had, of course, picked it up and put it in her pocket. Only had she walked into the common room and slipped her hands into her pockets, did she draw it out and look at it. It seemed, at first, a regular coin, but as she turned it over and over in her hands, she realized the words engraved along the bottom.


"What did you say?" an older student asked her as she sat up from the couches near the fire.

"Oh, er-" she shuffled a bit and closed her hand around the coin. "-Nothing. Just mumbling to myself." the girl lay back down and Rose quickly bounded up the stairs to the peace and quiet of her dorm.

She took the coin out again and looked at it closer. Yes, it had words engraved on it. Nothing you would write in a coin however.

"Tomorrow after lunch banquet." she said aloud. She turned it back to the other side to look, but as she turned it, the words on the back seemed to disappear. She turned it back, hoping they would show again, and, to her great relief, they did. "A very clever charm," she said "I must know what these were for." And that was that. She walked back down the stairs and put of the common room. She didn't quite know where she was going, or who to ask but she walked.

She was wondering the third floor corridors and thinking to herself. *I wish I knew what these were made for* (she had made the guess they were a form of communication, and that their must be more than one. *of only I had a good solid clue. The meeting place, for example*

Just as she was about to turn the corner, she heard a sound of stone against stone and turned back. And there, in the middle of the wall, was a large, beautiful door. A door that hadn't been there as she had walked by. She walked back to it in amazement, and stared. What else could you do?

As she snapped out of her enchantment, she opened the door to look in. It was a wide open chamber, with dummies in black robes lining one wall. Not to mention the grand fireplace and chandelier. In a corner, there stood a rather large mirror with pictures hung about it. She walked up to it with the intents to look at the pictures, but her eyes were drawn to something else. Her mother's name on a parchment. Along with her father's and uncle Harry's and many others she didn't know. And topping the parchment was "Dumbledore's  Army"

Only then did she remember the coin. She took it out and raised it to her eyes looking over and over for the strange words. They had disappeared.

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