Belamort Short

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*gag* I was dared and I'm sorry

"My Lord..." Voldemort could hear Bella walk through the door, and he could smell the fear in her sweat.

"Bellatrix, my most loyal. Why are you afraid of private courts with me?" he turned to face her, smiling his awful grin.

Bellatrix backed against the door, her hands behind her on the doorknob. "Why did you ask me here, my Lord?" She was skittish, scared.

"Bella, darling, come sit at the table-" he swept his hand out, indicating to the table in the center of the room. She moved away from the door, slowly and sat down near the head of the table. 'I can tell you anything, correct?" Voldemort was pacing the room, slowly, deliberately.

Bellatrix stammered, but managed to answer "O-of course, M-my Lord." Her head bowed down to face the hands clasped in her lap.

Voldemort moved toward her, almost silently. He reached her chair, and grabbed her chin, pulling her face up so she was looking at him, the fear clear in her eyes. "Do not be afraid, this is not one of those meetings." he closed his eyes, breathing deep. Bellatrix thought to herself *he looks almost scared...* his eyes opened, just as she thought that one thought, and he leaned forward and kissed her. His hand was still on her chin, but slid up and gripped her face, running his long fingers across her high cheekbone. Her eyes were wide, she knew, but she couldn't seem to do anything about it. He leaned back, his hand still on her cheek, and saw her expression.

"Was that okay?" Now he was nervous, but he didn't show it. His hand lovingly on her face, pulled away as as she grabbed it, and gripped it in hers.

"Of course, my Lord."

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