The Lesser Evil

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First- this is HEAVILY based on a story I found online. Don't know who the credits go to, but not me. I only changed it to make it HP related.

You know, "If God exists, then why is there so much evil in the world?" is a very commonly asked question. My answer?

Everything just have balance. Light and dark. Sound and silence. Good and Evil. One cannot be without the other.

And your next question may be, "if that's true, then why does God do nothing to fight the evil?" well there, you are simply wrong.

I am a warrior of God. I fight for his light, for the good and holy things of the world. Right alongside God. Relentlessly.

We warriors roam the earth. Searching for the truly evil things in the world, and destroying them before they can harm you humans. We kill the monsters you cannot even dream up. And the demons you don't want to. We destroy the highest evils, so you don't have to worry about them.

Now you may ask, "what about Voldemort? Grindelwald? The Death Eaters? Why did God let them live?" And again my answer is balance. We must let minor evil-doers live. The ones we destroy are to powerful to let roam the earth.

What's odd, and maybe even funny, I'm sure you've never heard our name. Not in any religious texts or stories. But you've heard of us. You even have names for us.


Some call us Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

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