Deamus Short

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The nights after Quidditch matches were always the worst for Seamus. He loved the games, sure, but a certain something always seemed to happen in the Winning houses dorms. Gryffindor won quite a bit. It wasn't the parties, no. In fact, he usually was the one to get food and drinks for them. And it wasn't all the people, he really liked hanging out until early morning. But there was always a "hero" of the game. Whether be the keeper, the seeker, or a beater. They got all the praise, and often times the guys would have a girl to pull them down from the throne and kiss them in front of everyone. And just who was the Hero of today's match?

Dean Thomas.

His best mate.

The guy Seamus had been madly in love with since second year.

Who was currently being snogged by a petite Gryffindor girl.

Just great.

"Hey Shea," he heard someone say from beside his chair, pulling him out of his thoughts. "You good mate?" Seamus looked up to see a surprisingly worried-looking Harry.

"Yeah-" he stood from the chair and turned to look at Harry, or rather, turned to look away from the scene in the middle of the common room. "-must'a ate something nasty at dinner. I should probably head to bed soon, sleep it off."

Harry, entirely unconvinced, just nodded and replied, "Sure Shea, whatever you say." and rolled his eyes as he walked away.

Harry knew about Seamus. Not on any fault of his though. He had simply asked him one night when it was only the two of them in their dorm.



"Yes Harry?"

"Are you gay?"


Simple as that really. He had tried to refuse, but Harry already knew. He didn't use it against him, and he hadn't told anyone, so Seamus didn't care that he knew. Though sometime he was a righteous git about it, smirking when he caught Seamus looking at someone a little to keenly, or hanging him with his elbow when someone rather good-looking passed them.

"Potter," he muttered to himself as he walked up the stairs to the dorms.

Seamus had been asleep before anyone else even got back from the party, and was sleeping quite soundly until he heard a small curse come from near his bed. It was well past dark now, and it seemed everyone was asleep, except whomever was sneaking toward the door.

As the door opened, a bit of light streamed in, just enough for Seamus to make out the familiar build of his best mate, and crush.

*He's probably in his way to see that girl.* he thought. *he'll tell me all about how they "stayed up late" and I'll sit there and clap him on the back, like a best mate should.* he didn't need to bring up the fact he would be slowly dying inside. But just this once, he didn't want to wait for him to come back, wait for him to fall back asleep, wait for him to tell him about it over breakfast. He wanted to do something about it.

He waited for Dean to close the door before making his way over, stepping lightly, and opening the door. He walked down the stairs to see Dean sitting by the fire in one of the large armchairs, looking deep in thought. He walked over and Dean looked up at him, his features suddenly changing into the familiar grin Seamus knew all too well.

"Sorry if I woke you," he said, and Seamus sat down on the large couch, pulling his feet up beside him. "I stubbed my toe on Harry's bed post." At this he laughed lightly.

"It's no problem, mate. I figured you were coming down here to see that girl." Seamus wiggled his eyebrows, faking for all he was worth. Dean chuckled again before replying, "Nah, I don't think she's my type." Seamus' heart leaped a little *maybe...* "Besides," Dean said, "I think I may be in love..." he said this hesitantly, but Seamus barely noticed. His heart sank.

Dean looked over at Seamus and saw his face turn pale, as if he'd just heard terrible news. "Shea-" he stood from the chair and stepped closer, "-are you alright?" Seamus nodded slowly, and his face returned to normal. This close, Seamus could smell the light scent of Deans body spray. He moved away, and Seamus longed for him to lean back in, but he said nothing.

Dean sat down beside him on the couch, a little to far away, and asked, "Hey Shea, if you thought I was coming down here to meet that girl, why did you follow me?" He looked over at Seamus, the fire playing in his eyes. *or is it amusement?*

He didn't answer. He couldn't. How could he tell his best mate he had come down because he was in love with him? Dean leaned a bit closer. "Do you like me, Shea?" He'd started to say no, but something stopped him.

"What did you mean by 'she's not my type'?" Dean moved away just as Seamus moved closer, and then realization lit his eyes. He leaned in, hesitantly, and their lips were touching. They were kissing. It lasted only a moment, but when they pulled away from each other, they were both blushing furiously. Dean's, however, was much less noticeable on his dark skin.

"I've wanted to do that since second year," Seamus admitted.

Dean grinned before replying, "So have I."

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