Harry and Draco Short

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Harry bounded out of the stuffy classroom and ran down the halls, headed for the open air. He had an open class period without Hermione or Ron, so he planned on doing absolutely nothing for once. He made it outside and slowed to a walk as he made his way out of the square and towards the lake. He was ready for an hour and a half of just watching the water life and mer-people splash in the water. He made his way to the nearest beach and was slightly shocked to see another student there. A familiar blond sat on the sand, staring out at the sky.

Just as Harry walked up behind the Slytherin, intending to jump scare him, the boy turned and smiled at him. "If you want to scare someone-" he said as he turned back to face the lake "- you ought to learn to be quieter."

Harry cursed under his breath and plopped down beside him. "I didn't know you had this class free, Draco."

Without opening his eyes or turning away from the sun, he said, "I don't. I skipped History of Magic."

Harry faked gasped and threw his hand over his heart. "You, a Malfoy, skipping class? It's unimaginable!" Draco laughed, finally looking over to Harry, who was grinning a familiar, happy grin.

"I just wanted to get away for a bit. I'm completely booked everyday other than Tuesday, and even then I've only got one class off." he looked out at the mer-people splashing in the lake. Only then did Harry notice the dark circles under his eyes.

"You've been stressed." he said, his smile melting into a slight frown. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

Draco groaned, and looked away. "No, but it's none of your business."

"It is, because you're my friend." Harry stood and offered his hand out to Draco, who looked up in confusion.

"What's that for?" he said without taking Harry's hand.

"I'm taking you to your dorms and you're going to sleep this period. And don't even try to say no." he grabbed the shocked Draco's hand and pulled him to his feet. "I'll stay outside and wake you up for the next class, and I'll get someone's notes for this one. An hour is better than nothing."

Draco smiled at his friend. His father was wrong. He had people to look out for him, even if he didn't know it.

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