Hinny Short

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Harry absolutely loved his summers at the Burrow. Great food, endless fun, and all his favourite people. And, the girl he was pretty sure he was in love with.

Not that it mattered, really. She had forgot all about her huge crush on Harry. Last he heard, she was with Dean, but they had broken up over something to do with Seamus. And now, she doesn't talk to him. How the tables had turned. But for some reason, she was really happy today. She wouldn't stop smiling. She wouldn't stop laughing. And she was talking. To Everyone. Harry had guessed she had gotten a letter from some boy at school, and didn't question it, but now, almost past 1, he thought he might be wrong. They had all went up to the top floor to play games. Well, all but Arthur and Molly, that is. And she was sitting SO close. He could smell the cinnamon perfume he so loved, and knew for a fact she only wore to dates.

"Excuse me, but it's late and I still haven't done anything to get my hair up for sleep." Hermione stood and left. They could hear her walk down the stairs to where she slept in Ginny's room, and close the door.

"She's right, it is rather late, or, kinda early if you think about it.-" Ron stood and made his way to the door. "-I'm going to bed, you two have fun. As soon as he had closed the door, Ginny turned and smiled at Harry.

"Er... Is everything okay..." *why is she so close?* Harry couldn't think and, *is she leaning closer?*

"Of course, Harry. Why would anything be wrong?" she smiled again, showing her white teeth, and sat up straight again. "I need to tell you something, something important." suddenly, the smile that lit up her face was gone. She was stone serious. "Harry, I don't know if you've realised this, but I like you. Have ever since I first saw you at the train station. And I know you think I want nothing to do with you, but it's not like that. I just wanted someone to notice me..." She was never one back down from saying the hard things that were true.

Harry was dumbfounded. He couldn't speak. Ginny saw his expression, and smiled. "I know it's a lot, and if you don't feel the sam-" Between one moment and the next, his lips were on hers. Barely touching, but she had surely gotten the message. *Of course I feel the same!* he leaned away, only just noticing he had grabbed her hand sometime during this and their fingers were interlocked, an even pressure around his left hand. She was just smiling. Harry couldn't even be sure his mouth was closed.

"Good night, Harry." She said in the smallest, sweetest voice. Unwinding their finger, she walked to the door, almost skipping, and walked down the stairs. *Wow*

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