Nuna Short

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"Hello darling" Luna heard the familiar voice come up behind her, hugging her while burying his face in her morning messy hair. She giggled, but didn't turn, for fear of burning the pancakes currently on a griddle in front of her.

"Hello my dearest," she was still facing away from him. "You slept in, so I decided to make breakfast." Just as she finished flipping one of the cakes, her fiance turned her around quickly, so they were facing each other. He had turned her so quick, she had dropped the spatula she was using. "Neville!" she scolded, her heart was not in it though and she smiled widely.

"Sorry love, I just couldn't stand not seeing you for one more second." He grinned, and bent down, lightly kissing her. She had to stand almost on her tippy toes to reach him. He had grown taller than anyone thought he ever would.

He leaned away, still smiling that beautiful smile that she so loved, and was sure she was doing the same. "Your pancakes are burning."

Luna gasped and turned back quickly, picking up the spatula as she did so, and flipped the pancake before any real damage was done to them. "That one's yours-" she turned back to see him grinning brightly, and lightly smacked his arm with the still warm spatula. "-since you distracted me."

He was still smiling, and rubbing his arm slowly. "But it was a good distraction, right?"

She put a plate of beautiful pancakes in front of him, not one of them burnt, and a bottle of syrup and said "one of the best."

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