Wolfstar Short

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"Moony, Moony wake up" he could feel someone gently shaking him, trying to wake him up. But he was so tired, and it was nice and cool, and oh so comfy. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt, surely.

"Moony please, wake up!" the voice was still whispering, but frantic, almost like whoever was talking was scared.

Remus mumbled what he though was "Go away" but sounded more like groans.

"Remus please, I'm begging you just wake up." the voice sounded teary, and Remus could feel light drops of water hit his face and neck, and someone elses hand wipe them away. "Please be okay. You can't die"

*Die, that's absurd! I just want a few minutes of sleep!* he groaned and rolled over, blinking open his eyes. There, sitting over him, was his best friend, for years. His Padfoot. But wait, Sirius never cried, not openly. "Sirius, what's the matter?" he was suddenly much more awake, sitting up quickly. A pain lanced through his head, but he tried to ignore it. "Why are you crying? Is everything okay?"

Sirius just stared, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He looked younger like this, sitting on his knees, face blotchy and red from his tears. "M-Moony?"

"Yeah, I'm right here Pads. Why are you cr-" before he could finish his sentence, Sirius had leapt up and was hugging him. Squeezing so tight it hurt. He had knocked the breath out of Remus, and had shocked him. Sirius pulled away, and leaned forward again, kissing him. Suddenly, all the pain was gone, Remus felt like he was floating, Padfoot pulling him off the ground. He leaned into the kiss, and pulled Sirius closer to him by wrapping his arms around his back. Sirius dug his hands into hair, pulling on it lightly, but Remus couldn't even tell. They pulled away, both breathing a little shakily, and Sirius smiled.

"That was quite the wake up call." Moony joked, making Sirius break out laughing. The tears still soaked his face, and now Remus' as well. He leaned forward and wiped the tears away, his hand lingering lightly on the warm skin.

He had never been as happy as he was now.

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