The Castle Short

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As the ship rose out of the waters, I could finally go above deck and look at the beautiful castle in person. I ran up the stairs as fast as I possibly could and practically jumped out of the latch as it open, all while my older brother was yelling for me to slow down.

"As if!" I yelled back towards him with a smile, even though he was still around the corner.

I had seen pictures of the grand school, but being here, below it and all its grandeur was so... amazing! There were high towers and great halls and huge windows everywhere. I couldn't focus on anything, and my head whipped back and forth as I tried to take it all in as soon as possible.

Technically, I wasn't even supposed to be here. The new age restriction law for the Tournament made it so they didn't have to bring all the younger students, but seeing as how my older bother, a senior at Durmstrang who had a likely chance at being in the tournament, and possibly winning, had insisted his little sister come along, I finally got to see the most famous European school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I didn't even notice as my brother came up behind me, breathing a bit heavy and smile at my wide-eyed expression. "Its magnificent, isn't it?" he said to me in his beautifully heavy accent. Without looking away from the scene I nodded to him, my mouth surely hung open and gaping.

He laughed and clasped me on my back quite hard, but I was used to it. The sudden movement pulled me out of my awestruck stares, and I looked up at him.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I smiled at him and he replied

"Just wait till you see the view from above," and pointed to the highest tower. "That's where my friend lives, and he's invited us to stay with him during our visit."

I squealed in delight and he laughed again.

Never would anything look quite as beautiful as the late evening sun hitting the glass on those windows. Reflecting of the waters of the lake. Never would I look at anything the same way as before.

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