Petty Pansy Short

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Again, I know it's bad

Pansy had always been quite a pampered girl. Her parents were wealthy and high in social rankings, and she was an only child, perfect for the makings of narcissistic and high demanding daughter. If she asked it, her father would certainly give, and her mother was always taking her to functions and telling everyone how perfect her daughter was. She never had to lift a finger in her home.

This all, however, changed when she got to Hogwarts. There she was but one of hundreds of Magical students. Many with high standing parents and a love for attention, such as herself. She had to climb her way to the top, knocking down others and laughing as she stepped on them to take her place. But never had she anticipated how lonely the top was.

"Pans," her long time and closest friend said from the other side of the door, "getting a new dress won't make you feel any better. You've tried it before. Last week in fact."

"Oh, why do you know?" she said sarcastically. She did, however, know Millie was right, but she had nothing better to do. Nothing better than to sulk and spend fathers money. That was, in fact, why she had been upset.

"Your father just spent want you getting hurt that's all. Everyone knows how dangerous Quidditch is. So what he won't get you a new broom for you to try out."

"I don't care," Pansy puffed as she walked out of the changing closet, "he's my father, he should get me anything I ask him too."

"Why do you want to join the team so much anyway? You've always said it was brutal. And that it was un-ladylike to play sports."

The answer was quite simple. Draco had joined last year. She would do most anything to be closer with him. She already had a few classes with him, but she knew if she got close enough and he developed feeling for her, she would be at the top rung of the ladder. If only she knew how to make him notice her. "If you're not going to help me, I don't see why you're here. Just leave." With a breath of annoyance, Millie walked out of the shop.

Yes, the top was very lonely, but who's fault was that?

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