CH. 60 ~ Company

888 58 9

3rd person P.O.V.


"And after we've gotten past phase one, the ships located on the west side will— hello? HELLO?" The navigator stops for the hundredth time today to slam his hand on his Captain's desk after catching both Sun-Mi and his Captain dozing off in the middle of what he was saying.

Hongjoong, as the light sleeper he is, woke up with a startle, looking around wildly for the source of the sudden bang to find and annoyed Yeosang glaring at him. Sun-Mi on the other hand had drifted into a much deeper sleep and was lightly shaken awake by the battle master next to her.

While Captain fell asleep in his chair, the baby-blue haired woman fell into her siesta while standing— a feat that both baffled and amazed the men in the room.

"What? Did I miss something?" Sun-Mi mumbles rather adorably, attempting to rub the fatigue out of her eyes. Yeosang sighs, full of exasperation and annoyance.

"This is like what? The 10th time you two have fallen asleep in the middle of me talking? How are we supposed to get through our preparations if you two keep drifting off elsewhere?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired." She apologizes guiltily, but it's not like she could've done anything about it. She's been having terrifying dreams every time she closes her eyes to sleep, it's a wonder that she was able to go that long without horrid images jump-scaring her.

"Give her a break, Yeosang. She's new to all of this, it'll take her some time to adjust." Hongjoong steps in for the woman, shooting her a small smile that's bound to arouse suspicion between the people in the room.

"Great, now we have two sleep-deprived leaders," Mingi comments sarcastically from next to Yeosang and Sun-Mi chuckles sheepishly, unsure of what to say. Yeosang elbows Mingi, seeing that he made Sun-Mi feel bad and San speaks up to change topics.

"You know, I saw you come to Captain's room last night. And he looked like he was expecting you~," San teases, nudging Sun-Mi who's standing right next to him, Seonghwa on the other side.

Both Captain and Sun-Mi stiffen up when they hear the battle master start snooping around, Hongjoong already feeling the murderous glare a certain jealous man is giving him. He puts his hands up as if in surrender, shaking his head.

"We just talked."

"Talked?" Yeosang repeats incredulously, raising a brow. "That late at night when I was so conveniently busy dealing with Wooyoung?" The pressure on Sun-Mi and Seonghwa's glaring at Hongjoong comes to its peak, suffocating both of them.

"Yes, it was just a friendly conversation. Now could we please focus on the task at hand before I fall asleep again?!" The baby-blue haired girl demands, addressing all of the men that are looking at her funkily in a stern manner.

"She's right, we need to focus since our time is coming to a close end," her Captain concedes, crossing his arms smugly. "Besides, I wouldn't betray my good man, Seonghwa, like that. We know she's yours."

Sun-Mi gawks at Hongjoong, looking briefly at the cook who's just as embarrassed as her, and averting their eyes within the same second. The other men snicker, Yeosang being the only one to bring the course of their conversation back to where it started.

"As I was saying," he clears his throat, "The ships located on the west side of the port will be the ones in charge of giving us the signal. Wooyoung and I will be on the lookout for the signal since it is an Ocleavean battle signal."

"Oh, so, your parents decided to help us in the end?" San pipes in which makes the navigator scrunch his face.

"My dad was completely on board with the idea but my mom and Mina... not so much. I had to get Seonghwa to write her a letter which eventually bent her." Mingi giggles, looking over in Seonghwa's direction after hearing this.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang