CH. 62 ~ Set in Motion

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The day of reckoning is finally upon us. The day that both my skills and abilities to lead will be put to test and every choice counts. It's been a month and a half since we've started planning and now, we're finally going through with it.

Even as Captain goes over the basics of the plan for the 10th time today with our crew, I can't help but feel the coils of fear wrapping around my heart, threatening to make me sick.

Most of our plan depends on the reaction of the Eohithrians and our allies... but what if they don't come? What if they're actually allied up with Queen Lee and leading us into a death trap?

I shake the malicious thoughts out of my head, focusing on the voice of the man that's sitting on his designated chair.

"When we finally break through to the palace Seonghwa Yeosang, Sun-Mi, and I will head toward the Queen. Once you guys get there, well, I'm sure you know exactly what to do." I nod, pulling the leather coat I'm wearing closer to my body. It's a black leather coat with beautiful stitches outlining certain areas to fit my frame perfectly, a coat handed to me by Irene. "Alright, now that we have that out of our way— would anyone like to say anything?"

The crew looks at each other, expecting one of us to say something but we stay in silence. Yeosang nudges me so that I speak up but I punch him back to stop him from poking me.

Truth is, there's nothing to say that will make us feel any better. We know what we're getting ourselves into, we know that the outcomes are uncertain, and we won't know what will happen to us until after the attack.

We all grow somber, the air thick with insecurities. One of the members clears their throat to speak.

"Lately, I know that we haven't been going through good times. We just lost our friend— my best friend. A friend that was always there to cheer up the crew when we needed it most." Mingi pauses, looking sadly at every one of us. "We've lost many of the people we loved most in our lifetimes. Friends, lovers, family. And we lost them all to her." He grits his teeth, balling up his fists in anger. "So when we fight today, let's fight for them. For the people we lost, and for Yunho. Let's fight until we win because I know that I, for one, am not losing to the likes of that witch."

We all hum in agreement, looking at each other carefully as if it's the last time we might see each other. And it probably will be.

"Is there anything our enchantress would like to tell us?" Eye-patch directs the attention to me and I decide to say the first thing that comes to mind.

"I love you all. Each and every one of you. You've all given me a home and a family to call mine. This last year, we made many memories both good and bad. And I want you all to know that I will always fight for you, so please," I look at them all earnestly, seeing that all of their attention is focused on me. "Believe in me. Believe in me just like I've believed all of you."

As the daunting realization sets in for all of us, our hearts grow weaker at the thought of a tragedy breaking apart our crew once and for all.

This crew-- this boat-- is our home. It's where we've experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. A place where all of us have found refuge in. From the main crew to the other men on board.

What's about to happen won't be an easy task to get through and it sure as hell will probably be one of the toughest battles these men have yet faced, but we have a chance. A fighting chance.

As long as they believe in me, I know I can lead them through this.

"We believe in you," Yeosang declares affirmatively. "I always have." He gives me a warm smile that eases my nerves, an honest and kind smile, the same smile he showed me when I first joined the crew.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now