CH. 11 ~ Aunt Bina

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Hongjoong looked so good in this hair 🥺 But n e ways I hope u enjoy the chapter! 💖💗


"I just finished clean— SUN-MI THE OVEN!" I turn around to face a panicked Seonghwa speeding down the stairs to the burning oven. I hadn't been paying attention to the loaves of bread I left baking in there. I was so lost in thought while kneading the dough I lost track of time leading to this.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I spaced out," I begin to freak out and run over to Seonghwa. He also starts freaking out and looks around for something to use to put out the fire. He quickly finds the bucket used to mop the floor in the corner of the room and throws the water at the burning oven. A huge cloud of smoke and heat rushes at us with a loud sizzle as we both cough and heave to catch our breaths. When the smoke starts to clear I feel Seonghwa grab my shoulders tightly making sure I'm ok. We looked like idiots trying to find a way to put out the fire because my stupid self wasn't paying attention.

"Are you ok?" He stares at me searching me for any signs of damage when I begin to laugh uncontrollably. My loud high-pitched laugh rings out contaminating a worried Seonghwa. I'm practically shaking of laughter making Seonghwa laugh along with me. His deeper toned laugh rings out light and full. When our laughter dies down he lets go slightly making sure that I've regained my balance.

"Seonghwa, I'm so sorry about the bread I--,"

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it. I'll just make some more later. I'm glad you didn't get hurt," we fall silent looking around the room when Seonghwa walks over to take out the burnt loaves. At this point, they look like chunks of coal instead of bread. He almost burns himself taking out the tray and setting it on the table in the room. I turn back to the dough I had been kneading when Seonghwa comes up to me and takes it out of my hand.

"H-Hey! Why did you take it away I was kneading that!" I whine. He just sighs setting the bread down and wiping his hands on his waist apron.

"I... don't think it's a good idea to leave you unsupervised." Frowning I walk towards the table taking off my apron.

"But, you're here now. Besides, I'm just kneading the dough," He purses his lips taking his own apron off too.

"Actually, I came here to tell you that I was going to head into town and that I was leaving you in charge of the bread, but since you almost burned down the kitchen, I'd rather take you with me." He explains. I make a tight 'O' shape with my lips as I understand what he means. "Oh, and Wooyoung is coming along since he has nothing else to do." As soon as he finishes that sentence, it's like he summoned Wooyoung, because the purple-haired lookout comes almost bouncing down the stairs energetically.

"So, I heard ya'll talking 'bout me." His fluffy hair bouncing up and down along with him.

"Don't flatter your self," I retort as I make my way up the stairs following Seonghwa to the main deck.

"Wait, Seonghwa, Is she coming with us?" He asks a bit confused as to why I was following them.

"Yes, I don't want to leave her unsupervised in the kitchen," Seonghwa responds.

"Wait, but I thought she was doing well, what happened?" Seonghwa and I look at each other and then back at Wooyoung. I sigh hiding my face with my hands.

"I almost burned the kitchen down while baking bread," I mumble up from behind my hands. Wooyoung's loud, high pitched chortles of laughter fill the air making me even more embarrassed than before. At least Seonghwa tried to reassure me that it was alright.

"How did you manage to burn the bread? That's like the easiest thing ever!" I start to get irritated at his words, that even Seonghwa seems to pick up on my irritation. It's not helping that this kid is so damn loud. I'm pretty sure the WHOLE world has heard at this point!

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now