CH. 39 ~ Obssessed

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My fingers run through my terribly tangled hair as I comb it, getting ready for bed. The nighttime air blows in from the window, bringing along wisps of noise from town. The room I was situated in was relatively moderate. It wasn't as big as my old one and it's definitely bigger than the sickbay. Just like the throne room, and the rest of this Ocleavean castle, it is a mixture of beautiful pastels, radiating the comforting feeling of spring.

But even with the comfort and peacefulness of the room I'm staying in, my head is in huge turmoil over how things went south earlier. It's been a couple of hours and I haven't left my room or let anyone in since then, not even when Yeosang and Hongjoong came up to check on me. I feel so guilty for treating Mina the way I did but the thing that's eating at me the most was how I argued with Seonghwa.

I was so mad and hurt at the moment, now I feel terrible about it. But why? He's the one that broke his promise and hurt my feelings. Why should I be the one feeling bad? I groan frustratedly, deciding that it'd be best if I get some rest. By my estimates, it's probably 8 which is relatively early but I just want to escape into the blank landscape of my mind instead of mulling over the stupid argument. Heading over to the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room after turning off the lights, I had a cold feeling run down my spine. I begin to feel paranoid as if something were watching me.

I look over my shoulder to see the doors leading to the balcony left ajar, just as I had left them to let in some air. The light of the moon shines in through the opening as the curtains billow with the soft summer's breeze. Nothing seems out of place. I shrug it off as just paranoia and crawl into bed, tired as hell.

It's not long after that when I hear it. A loud sound of movement coming from the balcony. My muscles stiffen up and I hold my breath, a bit more scared this time. The sound of feet shuffling against the texture of the balcony's floor is heard, amplified by the quietness of the night, and my heart begins to race, pounding in my ears.

Looking around quickly for a weapon to use as a defense, I locate my bag propped on top of the bedside table and quietly snatch it with one swift movement. I feel around, locating the fan that I had gotten accustomed to wielding. The shuffling of whatever is out there can still be heard so I slowly slither out of bed, trying to be as stealthy as possible. I quietly tip-toe over to the windows separating me from seeing who's out there and grip the fan tighter in my now shaking hands. I become so conscious of everything, from the small hair scratching my neck to the feeling of the cool tile floor I'm stepping on.

When I finally get close enough to the window to see the silhouette of someone on the other side, I brace myself to launch at them. Taking a deep breath, I shoot through the doors, opening the fan and extending its hidden blades. As soon as I jump out there I slash violently upward, hoping to strike the thing, realizing very soon that no one is on the balcony except for me and a little bird. I frown at the sight of the blue jay peering at me curiously, so I put down my fan and relax a bit.

"So it's just you, eh?" I address the bird, which was a stupid thing to do considering that it can't speak back to me. "Right, you don't understand me." I sigh, looking over at the town lights that have caught my attention. I make a quick sweep of the balcony, seeing not one threat, and decide to stay for a while to feel the soft breeze fan through my hair and the moonlight shine on my skin.

I close my eyes, feeling the peacefulness of the night as I breathe in and out, almost missing the sudden movement behind me. Once again I'm forced into defense mode and before the mysterious figure can lay a hand on me I spin on one foot and use my elbow to hit whoever is behind. They grunt at the sudden contact, being caught off guard. My adrenaline starts pumping so out of reflexes I feign a kick with my foot and go in for a punch. Unluckily, they grab my wrist, knowing I was going to fake the kick, jerking my arm upward harshly. It causes me to squeak as I'm brought face to face with a large pair of sparkly black eyes.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now