CH. 6 ~ Friends

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After Eye-patch decided that I could stay, Yeosang lead me towards the forecastle. On my way there, we had to pass the main deck where I could feel the eyes of all the men on me. Glares and stares were directed towards me and as much as I tried to ignore them, their curious eyes were swallowing my thoughts. I then felt a hand on my shoulder which initially made me jump. I whip my head around to see Yeosang peering at me.

"Are you ok, you look tense," he notes. I give him a reassuring nod as he moves in front of me to open the door to the cabin built under the forecastle. Much like the quarterdeck, the forecastle deck was elevated with room for a cabin under it. When Yeosang opened the door and stepped inside I followed after him surprised to see the amount of space. It was an open room with enough light coming in to see clearly. Boxes lined up the walls with dust bunnies collecting on them. Inside two twin cots were pressed up against the wall. The air smelled musty and I could see the dust floating in the air. I continue studying the homely cabin when he speaks up from behind me while closing the door. "This here is called the sickbay. I know it's a bit dusty but this is where you will be staying for now. I hope Captain and the rest didn't scare you too much. It just takes them some time to show their colors."

"I didn't ask for you to help me." I begin.

"But I did it anyway," he responds.

"Thank you." He smiles acknowledging my gratitude. It's a soft smile that reaches up to his warm brown eyes. Much like Taehyung's. I turn around looking away from him before my eyes tear up again. I set my bag down on one of the cots which causes more dust to rise into the air around me. I can't cry here. I look over at the other bed and the boxes which causes curiosity to stir in me and before I can think I open my mouth to ask Yeosang my questions. "Did someone used to live here?"

"Yes, in fact, he was our surgeon. His name was Gunho, in case you were wondering," Yeosang replies.

"What happened to him?"

"He... Left." Yeosang replies vaguely. I look at him with a suspicious glare but he waves me off, "Don't worry. It's not like he's gonna haunt you. I don't think he'd haunt a pretty lady like you." I chuckle at that which seems to satisfy him. "Now that you're bombarding me with questions, how about you let me ask you some?" I shrug turning back to the boxes as I make my way over to them.

"You don't trust us much do ya? Is there a reason?" He begins. I slightly flinch at his question. He always seemed sharp to me but I didn't know he was THAT keen. I continue looking through one of the boxes while I answer his question.

"I'm very cynical. About everything. It shouldn't have come as a surprise considering how I questioned you the last time you were at the castle." I answer absentmindedly. When I realize what I've said it's too late.

"Right, the castle, Why did you lie about your position at the castle?" I take in a sharp breath as I think about what to respond with.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You lied to Captain about who you were even though you knew I had seen who you really were. You're lucky Ten said I could trust you the last time. If not I would've exposed you right then and there." I turn to him sharply, stumbling a bit to catch my balance because of my injured thigh, which seems to startle him.

"What else did you want me to do? I'm on a ship with freakin' PIRATES for crying out loud." My fuse begins to run short at his interrogation. I stalk over to him with a limp but that doesn't make me look any less intimidating. "I can't even trust my own family without them putting a bounty on my head, how can I trust the others?! Heck, I don't even know if I can trust YOU!" I raise my voice which startles him. He stares at me wide-eyed with his lips slightly parted as if trying to come up with a retort but failing. I didn't notice when I had jabbed a finger at him but he was now backing away from me. Shaking my head, I slump my shoulders and look down. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have--"

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now