CH. 24 ~ Gallows

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : A bit of a graphic hanging. Proceed at your own risk.


Shortly after stepping out of Uhreia's botany shop, Yunho led us back into town through a small pathway that would lead us into Illoriant's town square. Our walk remained mostly silent, mainly because I was so engrossed in what Uhreia revealed to me. I would occasionally hear Mingi whisper or say something from in front of me but I wouldn't pay him much attention. I even forgot about the little Promsk Uhreia gave me. I only remembered it when it poked my cheek, motioning to Mingi who had been calling me. I'm not sure what kind of face I had on, but it must've been a very stern expression because Mingi soon calls me out of my hazy state.

"Sun-Mi, Can you hear me?" I look up at him, snapping out of my mindless stupor. Blinking a couple of times without responding, I realize this isn't the first time he's called me.

"Yes. Why?" He looks back at me a bit worriedly, poking Yunho so that both of them stop in their tracks to face me.

"You weren't responding." I scan my surroundings only realizing until now that we have reached the town square. It surprises me a bit to see how fast we've reached it considering how hidden the shop was.

"How did we get here so fast?" I ask, completely letting Mingi's comment pass over my head, paying no attention to it.

"I--uh, I took a shortcut, but the walk was still considerably long. Are you sure you're okay?" Yunho pries a bit more, stepping closer to get a good look at me.

"I swear I'm fine. I was just a bit distracted." I pause looking behind me to see the shortcut we had taken to get to the town square. From this position it's fairly obvious that there's a hidden trail leading away from the middle of town, but if you were to be looking from another point of view, it seems that this trail would be hidden by the shrubs and foliage around it. "How did you know about this shortcut?" I ask switching the attention away from me. The tall brunette shifts his weight awkwardly at my question.

"This was my hometown. Born and raised here." I make a tight 'O' shape with my lips as this new piece of information is revealed to me.

"So, your family is here too?" He looks at Mingi and then back at me.

"Uh, no. N-not exactly." I tilt my head to the side hoping for a better explanation. Mingi seems to want to step in, trying to change topics, but Yunho cuts him off with an answer.

"My parents are buried here. They, um, died when I was little leaving me and my brother as... orphans." He struggles to say this, his voice catching a bit in his throat a couple of times. I don't know how to respond to that. Mingi clears his throat, throwing a hand around Yunho's neck and pulling him in for a friendly side-hug.

"But, lucky for him, he met me soon after that by those docks over there. We've been joined by the hip ever since, Right buddy?" The red-head bumps him with his hip playfully, ruffling Yunho's hair. Yunho frowns, huffing at Mingi. "What?"

"Oh, Now you want me. What about when you were with your 'BeSt FrIeNd' Boream, huh?" Mingi opens and closes his mouth unsure of how to respond to defend himself.

"Aw c'mon, Yunho, I can explain--,"

"No, You've cheated on me," Yunho sniffs, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. "We're through."

"I-- What drama even is this?" I mutter more to myself than to them, turning around to face the town. I hear someone fall and I whip around to see Mingi on his knees grabbing a fistfull of his shirt dramatically. I swear these men aren't normal. "If you guys are done putting on a performance, I would really appreciate it if we could get back to the ship before it gets--,"

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now