CH. 45 ~ More Than Friends

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1st person P.O.V.


"WAKEUP!!! WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP!!" Someone yells, barging into my room. I shoot up in bed, looking around my room wildly to find Chungha storming around, creating a ruckus everywhere. Because I woke up with a start, my heart is beating a bit faster than normal, thanks to my ecstatic blonde-haired friend. I look over at the grandfather clock in the corner of my room to read the time. 8:00 am. I was woken up by an overly excited pomeranian at 8:00 am. Fun.

"Chungha, are you kidding me? It's way too early for me, right now. I don't have the energy to—," I'm cut off by her finger that's pressed roughly on my lips to silence me.

"Shhhhhh. Listen, my child, today is an important day and as your best friend-that-will-never-be-replaced-not-even-by-that-incredibly-and-unbelievingly-hot-pirate *gasp* it is my duty to get you ready!" She rants, not giving me space to talk. "Now, we're going to need a whalebone corset, some hair rollers, Ooo, jewelry!" She trails off, moving around the room like a busy bee, jumping from place to place.

My thoughts are all still jumbled up from being woken up so suddenly. I scowled at the fact that I was having a wonderful dream, which I very much needed. Chungha continues to zoom around the room, and it doesn't look like she'll let me rest anytime soon, so defeatedly, I begin to crawl out of bed. My friend senses this, and right as she does, she flies over to me, moving my slippers perfectly so that I slip them on with ease.

I find this action suspicious, causing me to hesitate in case she's put something in my slippers to prank me. She's never this nice to me. When I'm sure she hasn't sabotaged my slippers, I put them on and walk over to where she's studying some necklaces. Since I'm right next to her, she lifts certain necklaces to me before setting them back down. The way she acts is extremely strange so I decided to confront her.

"Um, can I ask... what are you doing?"

"Well, what does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to see what necklace fits you best," she states, rolling her eyes. I begin to get annoyed by her vagueness.

"Chungha, I swear if you don't tell me why you barged into my room at 8:00 am to start fitting necklaces on me I will throw you out the window."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Don't test my patience." She looks at me with a frown, letting a couple of seconds pass by when I don't say anything.

"Sun-Mi, do you not know what day it is?" I think about it for a second before answering.

"Friday? I don't know."

"Girl, it's YOUR BIRTHDAY!" She has to yell at me for me to understand. I squint my eyes at her, making a hard face of concentration as I try to remember.

"It is?"

"YES!" She yells again, exasperated at the fact that I don't seem to grab the situation. To be quite frank, I lost track of what day it was the moment I stepped foot on the Aurora, life has been so much easier, not having to worry about dates and deadlines. Time has gone by so fast, I surely would have forgotten my birthday if it wasn't for Chungha.

At the same moment that my blonde friend finds the right necklace, there's a knock on the door. Chungha's head perks up and she scuttles to the door, opening it to reveal Baekhyun and Mingi, struggling with a large box.

As the box comes into view, I notice more and more details on it, like the yellow and red stripes and the huge bright red bow decorating it. The box is about the length of a person which can be really misleading.

"What is this?" I inquire, pointing a finger at the box as the two tall men work to set it down.

"This is your first birthday present!" Chungha explains excitedly, ushering me over to the box.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now