CH. 12 ~ Trail

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"Where have you two been?" His pissed off voice echoes as we make our way to where he's sitting with the other crew members around a large wooden table. I shuffle in closely behind Seonghwa trying not to make eye contact with Eye-patch.

"I'm sorry, Hongjoong, I lost track of time," Seonghwa replies. Eye-patch bangs his fist on the table catching the attention of everyone in the room. The chatter dies down a bit as the captain stares us down.

"I told you to be back by 8. It's way past that. Do you know what could've happened to you out there?" I remember our walk back to the Inn and all the chaos breaking out at the town square because of the festival.

"It won't happen again," Seonghwa looks down at his feet and I, still confused as to why there's a curfew, want to ask but I rather not trigger the captain even more. Instead, I decide on trying to lighten the mood

"Eye--I mean, Captain. While Seonghwa and I were out, we went to Aunt Bina's. She gave us some pastries and asked how everyone was doing." I speak up, setting the basket of pastries Bina gave me on the table.

"Ooo, did she ask for me?!" Wooyoung yells excitedly right next to me making me cringe.

"Yes, she did. Can you lower your voice I'm right next to you."

"Sorry," He apologizes cutely reaching for the pastries.

"What did she say?" Eye-patch intercedes curiously.

"She mentioned wanting to see all of you again now that you were back. She hopes everyone is doing well and she's open anytime ya'll wanna stop by," Eye-patch nods smiling at the news.

"Ok then," he inhales deeply while rubbing his hands together, "These pastries aren't going anywhere so let's eat." The loud chatter resumes in the lounge and the group continues on with whatever they were chatting about earlier completely forgetting about my existence as a waitress brings them their beer. Seeing them all conviving together around the table like this pulls strings at my heart. It makes me remember my times in the castle with my friends and loved ones.

With Taehyung. Gosh, I miss him.

I cast my eyes down when I feel some tears beginning to prickle at the corners of my eyes. I didn't expect the crew to be so tightly knit and seeing them makes me remember what I left behind. What could've still been mine if I hadn't foolishly left. Their laughter, their banter, their cheers, and jokes. They'd never accept me here. Not if they knew the real me. I feel myself slip as a single tear runs down my cheek when I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder lightly.

"What's wrong?" Yeosang asks with his deep melodic tone. I smile blinking away any evidence of tears left and shake my head.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine," I assure him. He smiles softly squeezing himself between Wooyoung and I on the bench.

"Hey, I'm falling off!" Wooyoung complains. Yeosang rolls his eyes.

"Not my problem," Yeosang slaps back reaching for a beer mug. He takes a big gulp and sets it back down with a satisfied sigh. I didn't think of him as a drinker but then again, I am dealing with pirates. He catches me staring and pulls another mug handing it to me.

"N-no, I don't drink, sorry," I decline politely.

"Are you sure?" I nod and Yeosang shrugs setting the mug back down. I zone out of their conversation scanning the room once again when I notice three women making their way towards us from across the room. Their predatory glares and obnoxiously strong perfumes gave them away instantly. Prostitutes.

"Hello boys~" a brunette purrs curling her hands through Eye-patch's hair. Her hair is styled extravagantly upward exposing her collar bones and most of her chest because of the low design of the dress. Her corset is tightly laced, making me feel suffocated and I'm not even wearing it. It gives her breasts a little more oomph, ya know.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now