CH. 23 ~ The Botanist Pt. 2

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"I've been expecting you," She finally speaks up addressing me and me only. There's an underlying accent in her voice that I can't make out but it's heavy. The woman doesn't bat an eye in the direction of the two men behind me, solely focused on me. When she sees that I'm not responding she speaks up again in that beautiful accent. "You don't know me, but I've heard lots about you."

"I'm sorry, but, who exactly are you?" I feel slightly intimidated by her, slowly backing up to get closer to the guys. She's able to control her expression perfectly, I can't tell what it is she's thinking.

"My name is Uhreia, I am the botanist of this shop. You are Sun-Mi, no?" I open my mouth to ask how she knew when she begins to yell in that familiar language once again. "E koed k'smod duvm, Boream, sraka ora uir siaks'k! Excuse Boream, he gets excited when guests come in. We don't get too many. Especially not like you." She laughs self-consciously, making her seem more real, more human. I replay her first words in my head once again and somehow I can vaguely understand what she was saying.

"Uh, may I ask who Boream is exactly?" Yunho speaks up from behind me sounding a little bit worriedly. The woman blinks blankly before responding.

"Oh, yes! Where are my manners!?" she chatters motioning to something behind us to come forward. "Cuka koae re, Boream." Not long after, I hear a rustling sound behind me followed by heavy shaking of the grass underneath me. I spin around with the other two men to see who she was talking about when I'm faced with a giant tree that has seemed to come to life. It maneuvers itself so that it faces me, stooping over in these cramped quarters and extending a branch to me. I take it in awe, admiring the lively tree as it seems to shake giddily when I take it's leaf covered branch. "He seems to like you!" Uhreia giggles stepping forward to pat the giant tree. At this point Mingi has passed out at the sight of the perennial plant. Uhreia catches sight of him and looks with a bit of pity. "Isn't he supposed to be the tough one in your group? He looked quite intimidating earlier." Yunho and I look at each other and sigh.

"Looks can be deceiving," The brunette answers her question, turning to pick up Mingi's limp body. I turn back to see the woman chastising the tree in that special language. The tree has connected two of its branches almost looking like it's clasping its hands together in an apology. I'm wrapped up too deep into their interaction when I feel my tongue prickle again. I try to ask Uhreia about the tree but when I open my mouth to speak, the prickling sensation increases as I speak each syllable. Yunho, Uhreia, and even Boream seem to stiffen in shock when they hear me speak. Yunho looks terrified but Uhreia looks at me with wonder.

"Uhrrrrrreiaaaaa! She can speak ourrr tongue!" A unique voice speaks up, rolling their r's especially hard. I look around, bewildered at the sound, realizing it is the tree that's speaking to me.

"T-The tree can talk!" I stutter in surprise. Uhreia laughs meanwhile Yunho opens and closes his mouth with no sound coming out except for a strangled noise.

"You literally just spoke in a WHOLE other language like nothing and you're surprised about a talking tree!" He asks unbelievingly, only switching his attention when Mingi groans awake.

"I can what now!"

"Sun-Mi, calm down, Take a deep breath," I do as Uhreia commands as she sets a hand on my shoulder, "Good. Now, tell me, were you not aware of what you said just now?" I shake my head frantically, afraid to speak again. She nods biting her lower lips as she thinks of what to do next. She speaks again in that special tongue and this time I can understand her perfectly. "Borream, Attend our guests. Don't let them come to the back and give that one they call Mingi some lavender and lemon balm tea," she commands, "Oh, and get the girl everything that's on her list!" She adds ripping out the list I've made for the items I need out of the pocket of my pants and throwing it at Boream. Boream struggles to catch the paper and hastily bows to both of us as she pulls me away into the back of the shop where she emerged from. Yunho and Mingi yell at me in confusion, but I am in no better state as Uhreia slams the door shut, sitting down adjacent to me at the low table in the room. I'm forced to sit criss-cross applesauce in order to fit at the table because of its height. She chats with some tiny and faceless plant creatures that have come to life at her command, ordering them to bring some drinks. "Speak to me." She orders turning to me with a stern expression.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang