CH. 10 ~ People

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When we finally docked the whole crew began buzzing and working like little ants to make repairs on the ship. Mingi and San are busily working to patch holes and other things while Yunho gives out orders to the other people on deck. Eye-patch and Yeosang were also busy dealing with some issues with some people of this island which I guess is what they're discussing at the docks right now. As I strut across the main deck, admiring the scenery of the town around me, I don't notice what's going on in the rigging above me. I quicken my pace trying to get to the sickbay when a large shadow suddenly appears in front of me. Before I can react, I collide with it falling on my butt, earning a loud groan from whoever I hurt. I rub my forehead looking up at the figure to see a purple-haired Wooyoung rubbing his forehead fiercely.

"Watch where you're going, cutie. You could've hurt that pretty little face of yours." I scoff at his remark, getting up and dusting myself.

"You should be the one watching out. You could break your neck swinging upside down like that." I scold. Wooyoung laughs curling upward to free his leg as he jumps down to be at ground level with me.

"If anything, at least I know we have a doctor on board to take care of me. I'm in good hands." He winks at me. I shake my head hiding my smile and my blush.

"Well, then you better stay on my good side if you wish to be healed properly." Wooyoung chuckles giving me a small smirk before I hear my name being called.

"Hey, Sun-mi! Captain wants you to meet someone!" I whip my head over to the side of the boat where Yeosang is standing, waiting for me at the gangplank. He motions me over and I take a step in his direction when a warm hand clamps down on mine.

"Wait," Wooyoung stops me before I take another step, "A girl like you might need someone to escort her around town. Wouldn't want anything bad happening to you."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much," I answer sourly. He frowns letting go of me, muttering something I couldn't quite catch. I don't mean to be rude or cold with him I just don't feel as safe as I'd like around the crew considering the fact that their captain threatened to skin me and most of the members still give me the cold shoulder. Once I reach Yeosang, he smiles softly at me and leads the way to our destination. "So," I clear my throat as I think of what to say, "Is there a reason you called me over or... did you wanna show me around town like Wooyoung?"

"Is that why Wooyoung was talking to you?" He chuckles, "Now he must've been real desperate if he asked you."

"HEY!" I laugh pushing him slightly. He giggles, shaking his head.

"I'm kidding. You know I would be the one to ask to hang out with you if it wasn't for Captain making me run his errands."

"Well, I guess that's too bad then. Your loss," I reply confidently, making him give me a surprised look.

"Oh, my bad then, Princess." He bows overdramatically and I giggle at his reaction, "Anyways, to answer your earlier question, Captain wanted you to meet some people. Considering the fact that you might join our crew or stay here, we need to set you up for both to be prepared for what you choose." I nod taking in the information not sure what to respond with. For one I'm surprised the captain is helping me with that but I feel like there might be a double intention in this. I look at him out of the corner of my eye when I notice he's wearing the same perfectly tailored blue suit he wore when he came to the castle.

"You're not looking so bad either," I comment absentmindedly making him get a bit flustered. He quickly changes the topic to hide it though.

"So, based on what you have seen so far, what do you think about our hideout?"

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now