CH. 29 ~ Jailbreak

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3rd person P.O.V.


"Seventy-six... seventy-seven... seventy-eight... seventy--"

"Shut up!" San yells, highly irritated by the youngest's counting. Jongho scowls at the former's harsh words, grumbling to himself sourly. He sticks his tongue out at San before slumping down against the icy stone wall next to Seonghwa to complain to him. San begins pacing back and forth, seemingly on edge. In fact, they've all been put on edge since they heard the horrific screams coming from a couple of cells behind them which sounded like someone was being ripped apart. All of them jump out of their mindless stupor when San suddenly bangs the metal bars of the prison cell that's keeping them in. "Damn it," he curses under his breath, sticking his head through the metal bars to get a good look at the dim and dirty hallway of the underground prison.

"San, sit down. We're all worried and it doesn't do us any good seeing you--,"

"Seeing me what? Hm? Seeing me worry my butt off trying to think of a way to get outta here? You all heard those screams, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?" Yeosang, who was trying to calm him down at the moment, hangs his head between his knees, curling up into a tight ball out of guilt.

"It could've been someone else. Who knows how many people are being held here." Wooyoung tries to reason with San only for Mingi to incite more fear.

"Wooyoung, are you stupid? We ALL heard those screams. You can't deny that that wasn't Sun-Mi and Hongjoong. I'm sorry but San has a point. We can't stay here lollygagging. Our time's running out and soon enough, one of us is bound to be executed." He intervenes, running his hands through Yunho's brown curls as the latter sleeps, resting his head on Mingi's lap. Never would Mingi have thought that they'd be in the same position as they were years ago, scared out of their minds from the possibilities their future holds.

"We wouldn't be here if you had just listened to us about Sun-Mi, you know." San bitterly speaks up, grabbing all of their attention.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Seonghwa defends.

"I don't know what I'm talking about?!" San scoffs, "Are you deaf? Did you not hear what that bastard said? She was a freaking spy! Just as I had said she was!"

"NO, SHE ISN'T!" Seonghwa shouts back, shooting up to his feet, highly aggravated. The other members are a bit startled to see the usually calm cook lash out at San. There had been times where he's reprimanded some of the crew, but he's never gotten this aggressive. "If you had just taken the time to get to know her and not let your stupid prejudices cloud your judgment like you always do you wouldn't be such a douchebag." He accuses, jabbing his finger into the battle-masters collar bone.

"Oh yeah, How many times did she have to sleep with you to get you to say that?" San jeers, regretting it the instant Seonghwa's fist connects with his jaw. The younger one doesn't have any time to recover from the blow before the eldest goes in for another round, slamming San as hard as he physically can into the metal bars.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" He threatens, slamming his fist into San's stomach causing him to grunt with pain as he doubles over. Yeosang and Wooyong jump in, tearing the fight apart as quickly as they can before anyone gets seriously hurt. San has shrunk to the floor, being flocked by a worried Wooyoung. Seonghwa is being held back by Yeosang and soon, Jongho has to help him out to keep the eldest member in place. The cook is fuming with anger, which slowly dissipates with each passing second.

"You have to listen to Seonghwa, San. Sun-Mi isn't who you make her out to be. If anything, she had more fear of us that we did of her," Wooyoung says, letting San rest against the metal bars he was hurled into and struggling to catch his breath. He grabs his rib-cage, squinting hard at Seonghwa who's staring back with a murderous glare. They all fall silent, the thick tension still looming over them like an unwanted pest. It only breaks when they hear small sniffling coming from their youngest member.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now