CH. 5 ~ Trust

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(For this chapter I will be using the song above. Try to imagine it in a women's voice. I'm not tryna take Tae's music. This is a beautiful song and the lyrics are really deep which is why I'm using the song. The link above is so that people who haven't heard it could find out the rhythm. :))

I opened my eyes to a bright light followed by the soft voice of a woman singing into my ear. Her harmonious voice filled the air around me making everything sway with her tone. It was beautiful. Passionate.

On my pillow
Can't get me tired
Sharing my fragile truth
That I still hope the door is open
'Cause the window
Opened one time with me and you
Now my forever's falling down
Wondering if you'd want me now

How could I know
One day, I'd wake up feeling more
But I had already reached the shore
Guess we were ships in the night, night, night
We were ships in the night, night, night

The words she spoke came out in beautiful melodies. They seem so familiar, yet so distant. It was almost like she was speaking in a different tongue that I had forgotten but still had the vague memory of  in the back of my head. I was a bit disappointed when she stopped singing but she stopped singing only to whisper something to me. When I looked at her face it was blurred. She seemed young and almost ethereal but I couldn't quite capture her image. Her voice was rich and pleasing. It was like ear candy.

"Y***e ** gr**t*s* t***s***. *o** f***** t*a*," she whispered. I would call out to her to repeat what she said but her image would only glow brighter and brighter until she glowed no more. And I was left in total darkness once again. I was left with remorse. The feeling of beauty had left. I felt barren, empty. I felt like trash.


The ship lurched to the side and I banged my head on one of the barrels set next to me. To anyone, the rocking of the ship against the waves would've been calming, therapeutic almost, but to me, it felt like getting off of the horse the first time you ride it. Sickening and nauseating. I sat up feeling weak and drained from the events of the night before. I look around to see where Taehyung was when I remembered... He's gone.

My throat felt dry and I figured I'd find some water stored here, but these men only had rum and whiskey. I used most of my water yesterday to clean my wound and didn't remember to save any. Great! I clean up the mess I had left the night before since I fell asleep. Using the little amount of bandages I have left, I wrap up my thigh. It still feels sore and it's bruised but it's way better than yesterday. As I clean up what remains of last night I hear the door at the top of the staircase leading into the cargo hold being unlocked. I hurriedly stuff everything into my bag and run to hide behind the large crates to my left. I duck behind them as the door creaks open to reveal two men standing at the top. The one that leads the way in has curly brown hair meanwhile the one behind him has raven black hair with red streaks dyed into it.

"Captain wants me to check on the supplies to see what we will need before we arrive at the next port. Then I have to report it to Mingi." A smooth sounding voice speaks up from the two men, it's the brunette. His voice doesn't sound like either of the two men I heard last night. It's slightly deeper. I peek through the spaces between the large crates and see the two of them standing near some barrels across from me, which I'm guessing are filled with rum.

"Are you kidding? These fatties ate most of the fruit! They'll be going for our stash of rum next." a lighter voice responds, coming from the red-and-black-haired man. The brunette seems to be taller out of the two.

"San, you do remember that you and Wooyoung challenged Jongho to a fruit smashing contest. Plus, you steal like almost everyone's food, so quit calling others fat." The brunette reasons, earning an indignant gasp from the shorter man.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now